the ninja vs the espionage

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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
I was still sitting on the ground trying to catch my breath. I looked at Arashi's dead body one more time and saw that there was some pink blood still spilling from his neck. I got up, walked out of the door I came from, and continued walking around the temple. It was quiet. Too quiet. I turned around and came face-to-face with a knife. I dodged the knife and backed up enough to see attacker. I couldn't see his face because it was covered up with a hoodie that he stitched to his overcoat. I also saw that he had a cane, a pipe, and a briefcase. I then turned my attention to his overcoat. It looks familiar. It was then that I remembered

(Y/N): I'm gonna guess that you were the person I saw at the Temple of Oblivion, correct?

???: How right you are. You can call Misery for the time being.

(Y/N): I don't like that name.

Misery: You aren't supposed to like it. *smokes pipe* Oh, I'm out. New batch.

Misery took his pipe out of his mouth and turned it around so the smaller end was facing me. He then smirked and twisted the wide end of the pipe. I heard a gunshot and felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I screamed in pain and fell to my knees, holding my thigh. I looked at my thigh and saw a bullet wound in it. I looked back at Misery and saw that his pipe was smoking from the smaller end. Misery smirked and threw his pipe away.

(Y/N): What was that?!

Misery: That was a pipe gun. It can only hold one bullet but it gets the job done.

I looked down at my thigh and saw pink blood coming from it. I pulled out my kunai aimed for the bullet wound. OK. On 3. 1, 2, 3! I quickly plunged the kunai into my thigh and I screamed in pain again. I moved the kunai around and pulled the bullet out. I put the kunai away and bandaged up my thigh. I stood back up and stared Misery right in his eyes.

Misery: That's something different. Normally spies don't have many knives showing so they can't pull bullets out.

I didn't listen to Misery and just ran at him. He pulled his cane up and shot a bullet from it. It hit me in the shoulder but I just kept running at him. He then pointed his fingers and me and made a fake gun. He fired his finger gun and I heard a bullet fired from his sleeve and it hit me in the stomach. I stopped and pulled two kunai back out. I quickly plunged both of them into my wounds and pulled the bullets out. I put my kunai away and continued running towards Misery. I made it to Misery and I we entered a fist fight. I kept on attacking until he blocked one of my punches and punched me in the chest. I felt extreme pain in my chest and I back flipped away from him. I looked at where he punched me and saw a bullet wound.

(Y/N): What did you do to me?!

Misery: Two words. Glove Pistol. All I had to do was punch you and it went off.

I pulled the bullet out and got my katanas back out. I ran towards Misery and tried to hit him with a horizontal slash. He dodged it but I quickly turned my slash around and slashed at his hood. I was able to cut it off and his hood fell to the ground, revealing Kuno Okura.

(Y/N): Okura-san...

Kuno: (Y/N)... nice to see you again.

(Y/N): You're another helper, aren't you?

Kuno: Yes. I am.

(Y/N): Why?

Kuno: Me and my family have been spies for as long as I can remember. They knew one way or another that I would die one day but they still made me a spy. Our little organization was slowly dying. No new members and losing at least 5 members a day. I was slowly resenting that job. Then one day, our base was attacked. Everyone died that day. Everyone except for me. It was 1 v 100 but I won. Apparently, they had laced the building with explosives before their attack. The next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital with burn marks and I was missing an arm and leg. I realized something that day. I, was a survivor. I was strong. And in this world, the weak die and the strong survive. One day, my mistress came to me and she told me that she can help me get even stronger. I joined her and I've gotten as stronger as her. One day, I'll surpass my mistress and she will die and I will survive. Now, I have to do something.

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