the ninja vs the samurai

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(Y/N) P.O.V.:






That's all I feel. I feel that way because of all of the events that have transpired to this moment. Hatred, towards the kidnapping of my classmates. Betrayal, once I found out who the kidnapper was. And revenge, revenge for all he has done to me! I will kill Masakazu and make sure that I avenge Akiba and make sure he pays for messing with me.

3rd Person P.O.V.:
(Y/N) and Masakazu were a couple of feet away from each other, swinging their weapons at each other. (Y/N) had his kusarigama and Masakazu had his chigiriki. Every time one of their attacks came close, they would always block it with their weapon. Then they both swung their weapons and they got wrapped around each other. They both tried to pull them away but they were tied around each other.

Masakazu: Well, this is quite the predicament, isn't it?

(Y/N): I guess so. Let's see who gives in first.

Masakazu: And that would be you.

Masakazu yanked on his chigiriki, which pulled (Y/N) towards him. Masakazu raised his fist and punched (Y/N) in the face, disarming him. (Y/N) flipped a couple times and slammed into a wall.

(Y/N): Ow. That's gonna hurt in the morning.

(Y/N) got out of the wall and looked up at Masakazu. Masakazu was spinning both his chigiriki and (Y/N)'s kusarigama.

Masakazu: You can't win this, (Y/N). You will die and my mistress and I will reign supreme. We will bring death, destruction, and, most of all, despair, all over the world. Now, I want you to die!

Masakazu swung the two chain weapons at (Y/N), which he dodged. After some more dodging, Masakazu swung both of them at the same time, only for (Y/N) to dodge them and for them to get stuck in the wall. Masakazu tried to get them unstuck but they wouldn't budge. (Y/N) ran towards Masakazu and punched him, making him let go of the chained weapons.

Masakazu: Fistfight, it is!

(Y/N) and Masakazu engaged each other in hand-to-hand combat. They both were blocking and attacking at lightning speed. That was until Masakazu dodged a punch, grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, and kneed him in the stomach. He did that a couple more times until he grabbed (Y/N)'s collar and threw him into a pillar, making it crack. (Y/N) slid off of the pillar and fell to the ground. The pillar broke and fell down right on top of (Y/N).


Class 77-B was still running through the Synagogue of Placidity. So far they've had no trouble whatsoever. They all stopped when an alarm started to go off.


From the ceiling dropped four robots, all different colors. There was a red one that had a katana, a blue one that had tekken's, a yellow one with tekko-kagi's, and a white one that had nothing.

Red Robot: Freeze intruders!

Blue Robot: You are intruding in a ninja temple!

Yellow Robot: You will face punishment here!

White Robot: Take my word for it when I say it would be better to conform to us.

Nekomaru: We aren't the intruders! We were kidnapped and brought here!

Red Robot: Don't lie to us!

White Robot: I told you it would've been easier to conform.

Peko: Nekomaru, break a hole in the wall so the others can escape then come back. Akane, you stay here then the three of us will fight the robots.

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