The Toyshop and Abduction

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This chapter will be a bit longer than the previous one and before I get to that, I'd give out some shoutouts to others who reviewed: Carlisle Fan 22 and a guest reviewer. Thank you so much. As for my OC asking about Basil's past, I will get to that later. I'm glad you all like it so far.

Chapter 6: The Toyshop and Abduction

Third Person POV

Toby reached the toyshop that he'd discovered. He let Basil hop off his snout onto the window sill. "Splendid job, Toby!" Basil praised the dog.

Olivia trotted down to Toby's snout and held out her arms innocently, waiting for Basil to catch her.

Basil rolled his eyes at this, but held out his arms for her, anyway. Olivia hopped off Toby's nose and fell into Basil's arms. The detective gave her a worried look before giving her a stern one and set her down on the window sill. He nudged her as if to say "go on".

Toby put his nose on the window sill to let Kaitlin off and she gracefully stepped forward. "Thank you, Toby," she said, giving him a slight curtsy before joining Olivia. Yet, Kaitlin found it odd that Toby was nice to her and Olivia, but not Dawson. Maybe because Toby considered him to be a criminal? Maybe because Dawson was a surgeon who smelled way too strong of the catgut medicine? Toby growled at Dawson once more before Dawson tipped his hat and Toby huffed, making Dawson roll over on the window sill in Basil's direction.

Basil looked at him with concern before turning to Toby. "Now, Toby, sit!" he commanded.

Toby just stood there, smiling when Basil stomped over to him. "Toby, SIT!"

"Sit, Toby!" Olivia commanded politely.

Much to Basil's surprise, he obeyed her. Kaitlin was enjoying this because her tone was a lot nicer.

"Good boy," Basil said stiffly.

"It's called feminine charm, Basil," Kaitlin said, "You're just jealous because he obeyed her."

"If you would excuse me," he said, walking past the girls, who turned around to the detective.

Then they turned back to the dog. "You be good now," Olivia said and looked over her shoulder at the two men. "We're going to find my father!"

"Just like I promised," Kaitlin added.

Basil hummed to himself in a thinking pose and when he saw a glass door, that gave him an idea. "Aha!" he said, "Here is our friend's entrance!"

"But Basil," Dawson protested, "How can he fit into such a tiny-"

Basil held Dawson's hand, motioning to the tiny hole. "Observe doctor!" Basil put Dawson's finger through the hole. Dawson opened the door.

Kaitlin and Olivia watched in astonishment.

"Basil, you astound me," Dawson said, his face through the door, which made his head look big and silly.

Basil shushed him and Dawson backed away, knowing they were in their enemy's territory. Basil, Kaitlin, and Olivia were the first ones to crawl in through the door, while Dawson was the last one to come in and close the door behind him.

Once inside the toy store, the girl-turned mouse along with the other mice observed the shop for any signs of Fidget. Dawson bumped into a porcelain doll. Dawson tipped his hat. "I beg your pardon, but I-" he began, but he looked up to see what it was. "Oh, my! Upon my word. I've never seen so many toys!"

"I have when I've been in toy stores," Kaitlin told him.

Basil stood behind the porcelain doll's leg, warning the trio. "Behind any of which could lurk a bloodthirsty assassin! So please, doctor, be very careful." He returned to the doll's leg and underneath its skirt to hide in the shadows. Then he hopped over the doll's foot and Kaitlin, Dawson, and Olivia followed him.

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