Don't Blame Me!

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I decided to put the part where my OC wakes up from being knocked out right here, instead of the previous chapter, so that no one would get confused. Anyway, back to the story!

Chapter 7: Don't Blame Me!

Kaitlin's POV

I woke up to find out that the toy store was a mess and patted dust off myself. I looked around to see if Olivia was still beside me. To my dismay, she was no longer with me. Oh, great! Fidget punched me in the face so he could take her from me. "Olivia?" I called. "Dawson? Basil? Have you gotten Fidget yet?"

"Fidget took her," Dawson said.

I turned to the voice. "Huh?" I gasped.

"But we'll see if Basil has gotten Olivia back," Dawson assured me and he landed with a crash.

"Dawson, are you okay?" I asked worriedly as I rushed over to his side.

"Yes, but I'd like to ask you the same thing," Dawson said.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, "Just knocked out."

Dawson checked my head to see any bruises, but luckily for me, there wasn't anything serious. "But you seem fine now."
"Thanks." I followed him as we ran over to Basil.

"Basil? Basil!" Dawson cried.

Just then, we heard a baby doll repeatedly crying out a mantra, "Mama!" We looked for Basil behind some toys to see where the noise was coming from to see Basil dangling on the toy's string, grunting.

"Basil, thank goodness you're here!" I said, but he ignored me.

"Basil, Olivia!" Dawson cried to get Basil's attention when I couldn't, "Olivia, she's...she's..."

"Yes! She's gone, Dawson!" Basil interrupted with annoyance as he continued accidentally pulling the string. "Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl!"

"Hey, I watched her, but Fidget knocked me out!" I shouted as I watched Dawson try to catch Basil without success.

"We would've gotten the case done faster if it wasn't for your stubbornness!" Basil said, snarkily.

But I wasn't going to take the blame for this; it wasn't my fault, even though I never blamed the heroes. Basil got distracted, too, though, despite him trying to "uphold the law" as usual, but sometimes, I thought otherwise. Dawson did his best to watch over Olivia and she didn't know any better than to wonder off; she forgot Fidget was in the toy store, that's all! They were all equally distracted and she was trying to save her father for goodness sakes, even though their lives were threatened in the process! "Hey, don't blame me! I'm doing the best I can!"

Just then, he landed with a thud and I facepalmed. "But now, she's been spirited away by a maniacal little monster!" Basil snapped with his foul temper, which I found rude when I was doing my best, even if it was true on what he said, so I comforted Dawson, who cringed at his partner's harsh attitude. It didn't matter. What Basil did wasn't going to solve anything! "Soon to be in the clutches of the most depraved mind in all of London! I should've known better than to-"

That did it! I've had it with his jerkish and pathetic attitude, so I raged, "Now just a minute! That's gone too far!"

Basil flinched, finding that I've hit a nerve. His anger turned to shock at the damage he had caused.

I put my hands on my hips as I continued, feeling betrayed, "Listen, I know you're upset about Olivia's kidnapping, but that's no way to express your anger, you jerk! How pathetic! You should've known better than to what? Put your partnership with Dawson and friendship with Olivia and everyone else to the test? Be jealous of Olivia when Dawson treats her better than you do? Talk about wanting to save London from Ratigan when in reality, you're doing this to help yourself, which comes off as lying and being selfish?! Be cruel to anyone who comes to your door and tries to help you? Let your ego get in the way? Say things you'll regret later like you've done just now and blame people for everything? YES, you should've known better! YOU PROMISED! You lied! Even if you were abused by your peers or family members, that's no excuse! It's not because you're trying to uphold the law that gives you the right to say such rude and rash things to people, including Olivia and Dawson. What you're going through, doesn't give you the right to treat others like trash! You're supposed to be the greatest detective Mousedom has ever seen, but you're a disgrace to that title! Bringing Olivia along is called keeping promises and loyalty to her father, which is what some private detective wouldn't understand!"

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