Caught by Ratigan

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Prepare to be surprised at what is to come in this chapter! Feel free to critique me when need be.

Chapter 12: Caught by Ratigan

Kaitlin's POV

I was the first to make it to Ratigan's hideout before Basil, Dawson, and Fidget. When I got there, I watched the scene where Kitty sang her song, Fidget gazing at the mouse girls with ga-ga eyes (which I found cute), the bar fight, and Basil and Dawson following Fidget through the pipes. I stifled a laugh when Dawson let out an "D'OW!". I'll admit that Basil looked hot in his sailor suit. I put my necklace away, safely tucking it under my scarf.

"Back so soon, my dear?" a familiar voice asked me.

I gasped at the rat coming my way. "Ratigan! It was YOU! One of your henchmen must've taken Hiram and Olivia from me!"

"How very smart of you, Miss Kaitlin," Ratigan said mockingly.

"Don't you Miss Kaitlin me, you no good MOUSE WANNA BE!" I spat.

Ratigan appeared astonished by my outburst. "Boys, take this little brat to the dungeon with the Flavershams."

A couple of mouse thugs started to grab my arms, but I punched them to get off me. "Good, but I can go by myself, thank you!" I stormed off in a huff to find the Flavershams in the dungeon.

A lizard named Bill unlocked the dungeon to let me in and closed the door. "Olivia! Hiram!" I cried, "Thank goodness I found you and you're okay!"

"We're very glad you found us, too, Kaitlin," Hiram said.

I looked worriedly at Olivia. "Olivia, your shoes, coat, scarf, and hat!"

"I'll get them back eventually," Olivia said, more unsure than what she hoped, "Hopefully." She sighed and started to sing:

Here comes a wave meant to wash me away,

A tide that is taking me under.

Broken again, left with nothing to say;

My voice drowned out in the thunder.

I gasped, hearing Olivia's pretty voice. I never heard her sing before.

But I can't cry

And I can't start to crumble

Whenever they try

To shut me or cut me down.

"You can sing," I said, "Don't let anyone get to you."

I can't stay silent

Though they want to keep me quiet

And I tremble when they try it.

All I know is I won't go speechless...

Ratigan unlocked the door and pulled me away from them once again. How could this happen? I made a deal with him just so I could get them back, but no, he had his lackeys take them away from me! He used me! Ugh! He was going to get it!

Third Person POV

During Kaitlin's predicament, Basil and Dawson were already in the sewers below the pub listening to Fidget hum to the song, "Let Me Be Good to You". The two mice watched as the bat carried a lantern with him, hopping from stone to stone and placing his lantern inside the opening of the pipe, while climbing in with a grunt. "Let me be good to you," Fidget sang Miss Kitty's song as he'd done so. Basil waved to Dawson to come along and follow Fidget as Fidget hummed and sang. "So dream on and drink your beer," Fidget continued to sing joyfully, clueless that Basil and Dawson were following. "Your baby's here..."

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