Chapter 1 : Fight

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Third person POV

Cross and Dream were on a patrol and they ran into Nightmare and his gang. The good news is that Ink and Blue get here almost as soon as them.

Nightmare : Well, look at that. The Star shit.

Error is staring at Ink who nods toward his friends. They all get in a fighting stance, since they know they should save their breath.

Obviously, Ink charges at Error, since he knows how to deal with him. Dream fights Nightmare since only him can inflict real damage.

Blue and Dust are fighting and Horror lounge at Cross.

They all are fighting, not noticing the sneaky presence who get closer from Dream by second.

Cross : Wait... Where is Killer...? Oh no !

The royal guard figured what was happening and teleported right behind Dream, just in time, receiving a knife in the shoulder.

Cross swung his sword toward Killer, and because the assassin was taken aback, not expecting someone would figure out who he was targeting, he got injured.

The injuries aren't that bad, since he has a lot of HP, but Cross still dealt significant one.

Cross : I won't let you touch him.

He counters Horror's axe and fights to cover Dream by taking care of Horror and Killer. Good thing he is a good fighter.

Ink looks at his friends to figure out how the fight is going. He sees Horror step on one of his ink puddles and activate a portal to a random AU. It will be one less to deal with for Cross.

So Killer is alone dealing with Cross. With both getting badly injured. Cross succeeds into landing a blow in Killer's torso, which with the previously received one makes a red X on Killer who then gets thrown to a tree thanks to a blue attack.

Cross sighs, since he has knocked out Killer. Just to be sure he walks toward him.

Nightmare sees it from the corner of his eye, and teleports between the Oreo and his trusted right hand, tentacles sharps, hissing to Cross. One of Nightmare's tentacles grabs Killer and pulls him in a protective way, without Nightmare noticing the kind and caring gesture. Dream noticed however. And the hissing got the other 4 to look at them. Cross gets impaled by Nightmare's tentacules.

Nightmare : Error, Dust ! We are retreating for now !

He teleports while holding softly Killer and Error pulls Dust in a portal.

Dream rushes toward Cross, Ink and Blue not too far behind.

Blue : How is he ?

Dream : I am healing. Ink, can you teleport us back ?

Ink : Yes. I stay behind to repair the AU.

He teleports us back to their base and Blue rushes to get the first aid kit while Dream uses his healing magic.

They bandage Cross and carry him to his bed.

Meanwhile in Nightmare's castle...

Dust has to search through AU to find Horror. Error left without a word. Nightmare is stripping the unconscious Killer to heal him. He then bandages up the smaller.

He let a relieved sigh escape him.

He looks at the target soul.

Nightmare : ... It wasn't damaged... But it seems he will get his feelings back... Tssss damn Color. Repairing his soul.

He notices the smaller is sweating, most likely running a fever. He softly put his cold hand on the skull of his Killer. He purrs a bit, to the taller amusement, making him smirk.


Sorry Chapter 1 don't show Horror much and doesn't show Lust at all, but you need context !! And don't worry, after that, we are going to see them  ^_^

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