Chapter 3 : Hello

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Horror POV

I groan and wake up to a faint singing voice. I sit up painfully and notice I am naked (well, I still have my underwear but that's all) and bandaged up. I look around.

It seems to be what Asgore's room in the ruins would look like. Am I in the ruins ? So the singing voice would be the caretaker ?

I notice a shine in the room and find a plate under a bell. I begin to eat and look at the note on the bell.

"Sorry, your clothes were soaked and none of mine would fit you. So, if you are reading it, they are still drying."

Horror : That explains it. But the Dreemurr's clothes should fit me... Weird.

I notice the singing ended. That's a shame. It was a beautiful voice. I hear footsteps growing close. And what I assume to be the caretaker's voice.

? : That's a good song, Blooky. I am sure Mettaton would love reading and singing it. I will ask him.

Napstablook : N-No... Please Sans, don't... That's embarrassing.

Horror : Which AU am I in ? The more I hear the more confused I get.

Sans : See ya, Blooky.

Napstablook : S-see you soon, Sans.

It seems that Sans walks toward this room. I get ready to grab him. But he doesn't come in. After 5 good minutes I hear him take a sharp breath and knock softly.

Sans : Are you awake ?

I don't say anything.

Sans : ... Let's hope he isn't.

So he knows who I am but still helped ? He is naive. Anyway, he opens the door, holding my clothes. I pin him to the ground. He yelped in surprise.

Horror : Which AU is it ?

Sans : ... Underlust...

He averts his gaze. Wait... So I am pinning, naked, the slut of the multiverse ? Bad plan... But he doesn't seem dangerous, nor "slutty".

Lust : Did you eat ?

Horror : Yeah.

Lust : There is more, if you want.

And of course, the idea of eating woke up my stomach. I groan.

Lust : I go get your axe, dress yourself and eat. I won't do anything.

I glare at him, more to look intimidating than anything but nod. I take my clothes and get away from him. He gets up and gets out without looking.

Once I am dressed I go to the living room and see more beef and rice...

I obviously dig in. Damn, he cooks well. I see him teleport back with my axe. He puts it next to chairiel.

Lust : Please, don't hurt anyone...

Horror : Eh, wouldn't it have been better if you left me in the snow ? Also I didn't expect you to... Dress like that.

Lust : Hm ? Well it is comfier and my other attire is for my work. Anyway, I think your friends must be looking for...

He didn't get to finish his sentence. His soul turned blue and he was smack against the wall. I jump and grab my axe, before relaxing, seeing Dust. Lust gets more anxious but who wouldn't ?

Dust : Horror, are you alright ? That pervert didn't do anything, right ?

Horror : I am fine. He helped me. Leave him alone, and let's go to the mansion.

Dust : ...

He seems to want to kill Lust even so. I knew people hated him, but not that much. I step between my friend and the shaking skeleton.

Horror : Stop losing time and let's go already.

He sighs and nods. We leave, not without me mouthing a "thank you" to Lust for helping me. I think he got it, since he nods at me.

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