Chapter 10 : Lust the shipper.

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Lust POV

I sigh. I just got home from work. I go on the Bad guys chat (which Nightmare is excluded from, so the others can talk freely). I see a text that got me wide awake.

E : Guys... Maybe I am in love with Ink.

K : About time you realise.

D : What do you plan to do ? Confess ?

E : What ? No ! I will ruin everything if I do it.

I sigh.

Lust : sorry Ink. You will thank me for that betrayal later.

L : I don't think so.

E : What are you doing in that chat ?!

Nobody told him ?

H : I invited him, because he is good at love advice.

I still didn't give one to any of them though. So why do they want me here ? Hm, I will investigate that later.

L : And I know Ink quite a lot. I gave him cooking lessons. ... That was a disaster. He must be cursed by the god of cooking.

K : That's much ?

L : Yeah. Anyway. Ink is aro-ace, but he clearly has a sweet spot for you, Error.

E : Huh, what makes you say that ?

L : That.

I sent a picture in the chat. It is Ink drawing with a heart shaped eye, lost in his thought. Then I sent another one, from above Ink' shoulder... Ink was drawing Error.

L : I had so much of a hard time not being killed by him once he noticed. Good thing, I had sent those to Papy, who sent them back, after Ink left. So he doesn't know I still have them.

And he will be upset if he ever learns. But that's for the ship !! ... And I bet Error will save those picture to keep them for himself~

D : Yeah, if he has that face while drawing Error, I guess he does love him.

K : Yeah. You wanna help to confess ?

E : What ? No !!

All : Alright. Well, Good luck.

I sigh, dreaming of my ship coming true. I should maybe put that in my mental Christmas' gift list. Yes, I will do it.

Speaking of Christmas, since Papy will go on a date with Mettaton, I could maybe have one with Horror. Yep, going to do that. I will make the best Christmas' meal he ever had in his life !!


Sorry for how short that chapter is. Well, the next are going to be a bit longer (and boring for some of you, since they are in the other books)

Anyway, See ya !!

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