Chapter 9 : Inspector L.

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Horror POV

So we got home and all. Nightmare was going to forbid me to bring Lust here, but Killer begged him and by some weird witchcraftery... The boss agreed.

He sighs and leaves.

Sometime later...

Lust POV

I was waiting for Horror in Nightmare's castle. I am still surprised Killer got him to agree. That's weird. Anyway, while I was waiting, Error teleported and glares at me.

Error : What are you doing here ?

Lust : Hello, Error darling~ I am here for Horror.

Error : Urgh... Seriously ?

Dust : Yup. They are dating.

Killer : Sup, Lust !

Killer goes to Nightmare's office, carrying a coffee mug.

Horror : Heya ! Lusty, you are already here !!

Silly him. He forgot he brought me here. Hihi, that's what make him cute, though. Horror rushes to give me a bear hug. Error's face lightened. I think he thought I would die from my Teddy Bear hugs. I smirk at him, when he sees I am fine.

Lust : Horror always holds back his strength with me. Sorry to disappoint you, Error~ ... Oh, also. Do one of you know what birthday the Star Sans are planning ?

They all turn to me. Welp, they don't know either.

Lust : Oh, you didn't know about the birthday, huh ?

Error : Because you do ?

Lust : I didn't get everything, but it seems there is a link to a young child or something...

Horror : Huh ? But none of them is even in a relationship.

Dust : Well, Dream and Cross could, but I don't think they would be to that point yet.

Killer : They aren't.

All : Oh, welcome back.

Lust : How do you know ?

Killer : Sometimes, I go with Nightmare to attack them. And while gathering info, I learn about the fact Cross won't do anything before marriage. And he is still afraid to propose to Dream, so.

All : Oh.

Killer : But isn't Fresh in a couple with Ink ?

Horror : Seriously ?

Error groans in annoyance and I look at him, intrigued. Could he be ?

Lust : ... Error, why does it seem to bother you so much ?

Error : I hate both of them. So I don't want to imagine a child of those two... Urgh... what a nightmare...

Killer : Yeah, that would be a killer.

Except Error, everyone laughs.

Dust : ... But are you sure Lust ?

Hum... Let's investigate.

Lust : Not really, but I heard they hang out a lot together, and always seem to talk happily. Especially Ink.

For some reason it upsets Error even more. I feel I am getting near the truth.

Killer : ...

Lust : ... Error...

Error : Hm ?

Lust : I will ask something frankly. Are you in love with Ink ?

Error : W-What ?! No way, why would I ?

Lust : ...

I hold back a bigger smirk to form on my face. That's so hard...

Killer : ... With how much you are blushing right now, allow us to doubt you.

Error : H-huh ?

Lust : Well, can't blame ya. Inky dear is quite the cutie... and so good in bed too~

Error : What ?!

He tries to tie me up, but Killer and Dust save the thing, while Horror seems as upset as him. I smirk even more.

Lust : So, you see Error. For Horror, I get why he is upset at my little lie, right now... but why are you ?~

Horror : Lie ?

He blushes. I feel like that smirk won't ever leave my face again. But I won't complain, if I see my ship sail !!

Error : I-I am upset b-because... huh...

Lust : Because you are in love with Ink, but you refuse to admit it.

I lean toward him, smirking widely. I see Dust and Killer smirking at each other too.

Error : No, stop saying that.

He leaves, upset. What a tsundere.

Horror : You really didn't do it with Ink, right ?

Lust : There is no way. Ink is asexual. He doesn't like it.

Killer : Seriously ?

Lust : Yeah. He told me once. I like hanging out with him, because I see him a lot, with how much Error tries to destroy my AU. So I know a lot. ... Also, I was his cooking teacher... But he is cursed. I can't do anything for him.

I sigh and they stare at each other, trying to imagine how bad it must be.

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