Chapter 15 : My sweet Plum

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Lust POV

I sigh. I talk with Asgore and Toriel. They said they will see. I walk back, out of the castle, since I am going to Mettaton. I have a date with Horror today.

I got into a beautiful purple dress with a neon sleeveless jacket. (Yeah, a bit like the one I usually wear but shorter).

I walk to join Horror, smiling a bit, because he rarely would go somewhere with a dress code, so he is making an effort to surprise me. I wonder what surprise, though.

But while I was walking, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a dark alley. They have a hand on my mouth to muffle my screams.

Random NPC 1 : Look at what we have here. A beautiful doll. But the wrapping is a bit too much.

Random NPC 2 : Yeah. Let's take it off.

I recognize their faces. They are the clients who got forbidden to go to Grillby's because they were disturbing the place. I try to fight them off. The one in front of me ript open the dress, showing my summoned female ectobody. I feel tears coming up to my eyes. Why ? Why each time I am happy, must this AU take it away from me ?

They don't care, but when the guy is about to grope my breast, an axe comes flying and cuts his arm off. He screams and holds his arm, falling on the ground.

Horror : Keep your hands off of MY boyfriend !!

I think I never saw his eye shine like this. Such a vibrant bloody red. I am a bit scared, even though I know he won't ever harm me. Those guys are shaking in complete terror, though.

The one holding me isn't smart, though. He points a knife next to my soul.

Random NPC 1 : Don't try me, unless you want your "boyfriend" to be dust.

I tremble. Horror has à blank face for a second, before laughing like a mad man, well skeleton.

Random NPC 1 : W-what is so funny ?

Horror : Haha... I will explain the joke for ya. If you kill him... I will kill you, slowly, painfully, so you will be agonising. Because right now, what stops me from killing you and your friends... It is my little plum. Because I don't want your dirty dust and blood on him. So... Go ahead. Kill him. But know you won't get away.

He has his creepy smile. I feel the guy being scared to death. I try to free myself from his grip. He tightens it, when he notices and I yelp in pain.

Random NPC 1 : Stop trashing around...

He didn't get to finish his sentence. Horror punches him, and pulls me in a tight embrace.

Horror : Plum, take my vest and wait a bit. There is trash to take out.

I nod and take his vest he was handing me. He grabs the guys and teleports away. Pretty sure he will let Killer and Dust have "fun" with him. I notice something in his pocket. I take it, and see a beautiful box. I open it, around the moment he teleports back to me.

Horror : Let's go home, Plum... Are you crying ? Are you hurt ?

He kneels near me, then blushes noticing the box. I tackled him in a hug.

Lust : Yes... a million times yes !

He blushes then comes back to his senses.

Horror : You could have at least let me ask the question...

Lust : It wouldn't change much.

Horror : It would ! I would have not wasted hours trying to find the right thing to say.

Lust : Ahaha. My answer is still yes.

He sighs and brings me back home.

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