Chapter 5 : Attacking Underlust

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I remind you my previous warming. There will be mention of rape so try to prepare yourself. (I won't show the scene though)

Horror POV~

So, Nightmare decided to attack Underlust this time. I am a bit worried for Lust. Hope I won't have to hurt him... Error seems overjoyed because Nightmare accepted letting him try to destroy Underlust.

Nightmare : There is nothing to kill in the Ruins, but good for us, Killer will still be resting from last time.

Error : I ask for Snowdin. I want to kill that slut of Lust.

I get a bit angry.

Nightmare : No. Horror knows Snowdin better than any of us, so he will be dealing with it. But if you want, he could let you kill him.

Error groans but I internally have a relief sigh.

Dust : I will go to New home. Fighting Toriel and Asgore at the same time could be fun.

Error : Tsss... I will take Waterfall.

Nightmare : Then, I take Hotland and the lab. Be all extra careful. And Killer, don't you dare sneak out the castle.

Killer : Yeah.

So we all leave. I go to Snowdin to begin my job, but hear Papyrus, Grillby and Mettaton.

Papyrus : Where is he ? We search everywhere...

I hide myself and spy on them.

Mettaton : Papyrus, we are going to find him. Sans is strong, he can defend himself.

Grillby : And he wouldn't want to see you like this, Papy... Go take a rest, you barely slept, since he disappeared.

So Lust disappeared ? I wonder if they really search everywhere...? Maybe I should do some research...?

Killer : You want me to search for him, while you do your job ?

I get startled and turn to see Killer. Gosh, I knew he was quiet, but I didn't think he could sneak up to me.

Horror : Why would you...?

Killer : You were saved by Lust, no ? And it seems interesting. I will search around, while you work. If I find something, I will text you, I swear.

I hesitate but nod. I went around to kill, so I could calm myself. I kill Mettaton and Papyrus fast enough. They didn't have the time to see me. Grillby was a hard fight though.

I continue killing in Snowdin, when I finally feel buzzing from my phone. I look at it, and teleport near where our sentry station usually is. Killer gets here in seconds, and grabs me, while covering my mouth, gesturing me to be extra quiet and to follow him.

I recognize that place as being where the lone house is visible. We walk near it, and I hear at least five different voices laughing.

1 : We really did a number on that skeletal slut.

2 : Well, he was fun. You think we could get the boss agreeing on keeping him as a pet ?

My grip on my axe tightens and my eye shine brighter. I look at Killer and he nods, allowing me to go kill those guys.

Killer : I will get to Lust.

I nod and burst open the door, killing those filthy scum. Killer is most likely going around, also making sure they won't get away.

Once we killed everyone, we found Lust in the basement, tied up, blindfolded and with a gag in his mouth. He is in a really bad shape, his legs forced open by chains.

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