Chapter 6 : Lust at the Bad Sans

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Lust POV

I wake up slowly, in what seems to be a bed. I am surprised and try to remember what happened. Oh yeah, Horror got me away from those guys. This isn't my room, so maybe it is Horror's one ? The room is rather empty, with bloody walls and a black wooden floor from what I see.

I got my answer right away, with Horror entering the room, while holding a tray of food.

Horror : Oh, you are awake, great. Are you hungry ?

I nod a bit and sit up. I wince in pain and fall back on the bed. He puts the tray on the nightstand and gets by my side. He slowly got me in a sitting position, with pillows on my back.

He then proceeded to put the tray on my laps.

Horror : How are you feeling ?

Lust : Tired, hungry, sore, in pain and depressed, I guess...

He rubs his neck. I smile at him.

Lust : Thanks for asking however. And for saving me too. I thought I was going to be stuck with them...

He nods.

Horror : No problem. I will be telling you the rules here, however... because you aren't in my AU... but in Nightmare's castle.

Lust : What ?

Horror : Yeah... Killer helped me convincing him to let you here, for now.

Lust : Wow...

Horror : Anyway. Rule number one : You aren't allowed to leave my room. Because the others want to kill you. And will do so if given the chance.

I nod while eating. I was expecting this one. But I won't leave his room for a while, anyway, with how just moving in the bed hurt me.

Horror : Rule number two...

He coughs and imitates Nightmare's voice.

Horror : "Don't you dare touch anything with your filthy hands."

I laugh at the impersonation.

Horror : He also count Killer in the things you aren't allowed to touch, but Kill will come check on you. He helps me find you.

I nod. I end my meal, and feel sleepy once again.

Horror : ... want to sleep ?

I nod.

Lust : ... Can you give me one of your hoodies, please ?

He stares at me for a bit, but gets up, searches through his closet and hands me a really big hoodie. I put it on. Pretty sure if I were to stand up, it would be arriving around my mid tight.

Lust : Thank.

I smile at him, and I think I have seen a bit of a red blush dusting his face. He takes the tray and leaves the room, mumbling a faint "it's nothing".

I smile and lay down. I fall asleep.

Horror POV

When I come back to the room, I see Lust having another nightmare. The worst part is that I know for sure Nightmare isn't giving him one, saying from what he read on the papers that he won't be needed for Lust to have nightmares.

I sit next to him and take him softly in my arms. I hug him and rub circles in his back.

He nuzzles against me, and buries his face in my chest. I softly kiss his foreskull.

I must have dozed off, because I woke up to Killer who put a tray of food on the coffee table of my room.

Horror : Thanks, Kill.

Killer : No problems, dude. How is he ?

Horror : As well as I expected...

Killer : I see. I will come back for the tray. Text me when you both ate.

I nod. Killer is really the best friend I could ask for. I softly shake Lust awake. He blushed a bit when he saw he was sleeping against me.

I smile and we eat together.

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