Chapter 7 : Meeting the Stars Sans.

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Lust POV

Horror and Killer took care of me, until I was feeling better. Right now, I am cuddling with Horror, which I sometimes call Teddy Bear. He always gets embarrassed by this, but that's so cute.

We hear a knock on the door, then once allowed in, Killer smiles at us.

Killer : Heya, guys. How are you feeling today, Lusty ?

Lust : Better. Thank you for asking, Kill.

Horror : Do you need anything ?

Killer : The boss allows us to go and take a breather. How about we go see someone who is worried about Lust ?

I raise an eyebrow at him, but nod. Horror lets me go and we get ready. Killer teleports us to Outertale and takes out his phone. He calls someone, then we see Outer coming with a flaming Sans. Killer goes to hug him, smiling like a child. I turn to look at Horror, just as lost as me.

Horror : Who is that, Kill ?

Killer : That's my friend, Color. He will help us go to see the Stars Sans.

Horror chokes on air when he hears that.

Horror : Killer, the Boss is going to murder us, if he find out.

Killer : We are just going to see Ink. And we are just escorting Lust. He has no right to complain. Anyway, let's go.

Outer nods and shows us the way. Killer and Color talk cheerfully behind us. Hm ? Is that Killer's eyes ? I give a little elbow to Horror and gesture him to look at the two. He seems as surprised as me.

Anyway, after some time, we get to à little green island where the Stars Sans are hanging out, with Cross.

Killer : Sup, guys.

They all jump ready to fight and Horror pulls me behind him, protectively.

Color : Calm down, they aren't here to fight.

Killer : Yup. We thought Ink would be relieved to see Lust.

Ink opens his eyes and I get out, so they can see me.

Lust : H-hi...

Ink drops Broomie and tackles me into a hug. I see Killer leans on Color and smile at him, proudly, Outer next to them. Horror just sits down and waits while Blue and Dream are lost.

Outer : Oh, yeah. Well, you see, Killer is a friend. And Color here tries to give him back his feelings.

Horror : Oh, so that's the guy the Boss hates so much.

Color : The one and only. If I continue, he will be more focused on me than Dream.

Killer : You shouldn't be proud of it, rainbow head.

Color : Eh.

He shrugs. Ink is raiding me with questions and I struggle answering them. Killer helps me from time to time.

Horror comes and hugs me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. Everyone except Killer is surprised.

I smile and stroke his cheek. He smiles at this.

Killer : ...

I see Killer walking to Dream to whisper to him something. Dream nods, and I see him whispering back. I don't know what he said, but Killer had the biggest smile I ever seen. Even Color seemed surprised. We then hear Killer groan in pain and get startled. Color rushes to him and pulls him away from Dream.

Horror : What is wrong with Kill ?

Color : That's just his soul.

Ink : Hm... That's not reassuring, you know ?

Killer : That's fine... I will go home...

Color : No ! If you go home in this state, Nightmare will notice and take away your feelings !

Killer : I know it. But I need to rest... And your aura plus Dream's one aren't a gift for me.

Color : ... Fine... But if he hurts you, send me a message.

Killer nods and teleports.

Dream : What did he mean...?

Color : ... Your aura is weakening Nightmare' spell who maintains Killer's feelings locked away.

Lust : ... Hm... Guys. It could just be me being an idiot, but why did Nightmare only take away Killer's feelings ? Doesn't he get stronger through negative feelings ?

They all stare at me in deep thought, because... Yeah, that makes no sense.

Anyway, we stayed together for à while and Horror and I exchanged numbers to stay in contact, since Ink is bringing me back to Underlust.

Horror promised me to visit at least once a week.

Horror POV

I go back to the mansion and go check on Killer. I see the Boss in the room, holding Killer' soul with a pretty upset face.

He glares at me and I get out of the room. I go check on him later, when I won't risk my life.

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