Chapter 2 : What about Horror ?

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Horror POV

Yeah, what about our cannibal ? Like said previously, Ink chooses a random AU. Unfortunately, for the tired axe psychopath, he doesn't know which one, since he got teleported among the pines of snowdin's forest.

Horror is bleeding and his stomach is screaming. Cross really did tire him out. He walks in the wood to get out and what helps even less is one of his feet failing him on a snow covered icy ground, near a small hill, making him fall and smack his skull on a pine... the snow on said pine fell on him, immediately, burying him, and he is too tired and weakened to do anything.

Lust POV

I was taking a walk near the ruins when I heard a loud "thud" followed by snow falling from a pine. I debate myself but go see what could have caused it. I find one of the Bad Sans unconscious.

Lust : Ah... Well, I can't really leave him here...

I sigh, grab his axe, put a hand on his shoulder and teleport in the ruins. I lay him in the king sized bed, and hide his axe for now, because I don't want to be killed right away.

Now, I go and take off his soaked clothes. Damn, "I" look great. And badly injured too. I take the first aid kit and bandage him. I don't think I have clothes that would fit him, so I will just cover him with the blanket and dry his clothes.

I teleport home to change my clothes, because I don't like blood on me. I take a purple turtleneck and a black jeans, so I will be comfy.

Once I hung his clothes, I went to the kitchen, because his stomach was even more noisy than the music at Grillby's. Gosh, he must be starving.

I begin making him beef with rice. While cooking, I get visited by Napstablook.

Lust : Hey there, Blooky. How are you ?

Napstablook : I am fine... Thank, Sans. ...

Lust : ... Something is bothering you ?

Napstablook : Do you know how to sing ?

Lust : Yeah. Oh, do you want me to sing what you wrote ?

Napstablook : Y-yeah... P-please...

Lust : No problems. Let me just finish cooking and I am all yours.

I began humming to myself to warm up my voice a bit.

Once I finished with the hungry giant food, I put it on a dish, I put a silver bell on it to make sure it stays warm and put a sticky note on it.

I then teleport it in the sleeping beast room and go to the living room, join Blooky.

I softly take the lyrics and he gives me his headphones so I can listen to what kind of music it is. I listen without singing one time then I sing along to the music.

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