Chapter 8 : Visiting Lust

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Horror POV

Nightmare decided we should go attack an AU, and I have to fight with Error to maybe finally kill Ink. Nightmare lounges at Dream, and they fight like usual. Cross tries to intervene but Killer gets in his way. Dust and Blue are fighting.

Ink : Why are you still with them ? Wouldn't you rather be with Lust ?

Horror : Shut it. Or do you want me to leave because you want to be alone with Error ?

Ink : Ha, in your nightmare !

He ties me up with his ink. I hear Error groans and call me useless. He looks at me coldly and Ink throws me in a portal to Underlust

I groan and get up. I decide to go see Lust. I pull my hood up to hide my broken skull. I teleport to my room, put my axe down and take a butcher knife. I go back in Underlust.

I search Lust by looking around and notice voices... There is Lust's one, it seems. I go to see. I fall on a monster kissing Lust, who tries to push him off, from what I can see. I get angry by this and use a blue attack to get the guy away from Lust. I grab the smaller skeleton and pull him against me, while glaring at the other guy.

Random monster : What do you want ?

Horror : Keep your hands off of him, you damn trash.

I am pretty sure my eye is glowing right now.

Random monster : Or what ?

I let go of Lust, grab the guy's collar and teleport us away, in the depth of the snowdin forest. I take out my butcher knife.

Horror : If you touch him even one more time, this knife here will have your dust on it. Am I clear ?

I growl and I am pretty sure my hood must have fallen off, because he seems to realise who he is speaking to.

Horror : Now, I let you try to find your way here. Bye.

I teleport and hide my knife in my pocket. I put on my hood once again and kneel next to Lust. He snaps out of it when he sees me.

Horror : Let's go somewhere quieter, alright ?

He nods and I hug him. I teleport us into the Ruins.

We sit down and Lust cuddles against me, shaking. I hug him softly and stroke his skull.

Horror : I am here. You are safe, Lust. I swear it.

He nods. After a while, he looks at me and smiles. I smile back and he kisses my cheek softly. I purr a bit.

Lust : Thank you Teddy Bear.

Horror : Anything for you.

I smile and kiss his foreskull.

Lust : ... H-horror ?

Horror : Hm ?

Lust : ... I... I love you !

He closes his eyes and shakes against me. He is facing down but I clearly see he is blushing madly. I blush and cover my lower skull with my hand, feeling my face heating up.

Lust : ... S-sorry... I-I w-will go... I-I just n-needed to... Say it...

He gets up. I get startled out of my thoughts, grab his wrist, pull him against me and hug him like my most precious treasure.

Horror : I love you too, silly. Don't apologize.

I feel him shaking and when I pull away to see him, I see him crying. I crouch down a bit and wipe his tears away.

Horror : Lusty, What's wrong ? Did I hurt you ? Sorry...

He hugs me and looks up at me.

Lust : I don't disgust you ? Y-you won't leave me, right ?

Horror : Of course I will stay. And you never disgusted me, Lusty. You are too sweet and adorable for it.

I hesitantly kissed him. He blushes but calms down and melts in the kiss. I pull away and hug him.

Horror : I will never let you go, my love.

Lust : Me neither.

I never saw him smile like that. That's so sweet. And then I get pulled away by a tentacle.

Horror : Oh, hello Boss. Put me down please ?

I turn to see Killer wraps in another tentacles, his phone out, waving at me.

Nightmare : No, we are leaving.

Killer : See ya, Lust !

Lust : See ya, Kill. Later Teddy Bear.

Once home, Killer send me the picture he took of me and Lust's kiss... and say he also send it to Lust. Well, guess the Stars Sans are going to hear about it.

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