Chapter 4 : Love advice

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Lust POV

I was cooking in my AU, when I heard my phone rings. I take it and see it is Ink.

Lust : Yes, Inky ?~

Ink : Lust, are you good at love advice ?

Lust : Hm ? Yeah, I guess. Why, are you going to confess to Error ?~

Ink : What ? No ! I already told you I don't love him !!

Yeah, yeah, dear. And I am not a strip teaser. It is not like I have picture of you drawing him with love and care~

Lust : Anyway, if it is not for you, then who needs advice ?

Ink : Dream.

Lust : Oh, Dreamy boy ? I am coming.

Ink : Thanks.

I finish my dish, put a note for Papy to know I am out helping a friend and teleport to see Ink.

We arrived at Dream's house with Reaper, Geno, Reboot (An Error who protect the multiverse) and Halluciv (an alternate version of Nightmare but way kinder to everyone)

Ink : Here. They will be better than me for it.

He leaves before Dream can thank him.

Geno : So, why are we here ?

We all sit down in the living room and Dream explains to us. Halluciv hugs him.

Halluciv : You are in love, Dreamy. I am so glad.

I smile at how cute they are. I slip out of the house without them noticing. I find Cross pretty fast, actually. There is a good way to test his feelings.

I lean against Cross, drawing circles on his chest.

Lust : Hello there, handsome. Whatcha doing here ?

Cross : Waiting for a friend.

He is cold. He tries to get away from me. Well, that's a good sign. I hope the others did notice I left and Geno opened one of his windows.

Lust : Oh. I thought you were waiting for someone more... Dreamy.

The Oreo gets startled and blushes slightly.

Cross : Why ?

Lust : Eh. Aren't ya the bodyguard of a dreamy boy ? Also, he is pretty cute.

Cross : If you put even one finger on him...

His aura gets intimidating. Oh ?~

Lust : And if dreamy boy wants me to do more than that ?

Cross grabs my shirt and glares at me. We are on a good way, here~

Cross : I will be clear. If you do ANYTHING that would make him sad or hurt him. I will kill you myself. He doesn't need more people causing him suffering. So don't you dare. He, more than anyone, deserves to be happy.

I notice Epic sipping his coffee from afar, watching what is displaying in front of him. I smirk.

Lust : ... Dreamy ! I think I got your answer !

Cross gets startled. I see Dream teleports here.

Dream : How did you...

Lust : Ink told me about Geno's window. So I assumed he opened one after I left.

He nods. Cross lets go of me and I leave, but not without patting Dream's back. I see Epic leave too. I go to him.

Lust : How do you think that will end ?

Epic : Well. But you put yourself in great danger, buddy.

Lust : Ahaha. I see Error every third of the month and Nightmare every twentieth, Cross don't scare me.

Epic : Eh, you are the Epic one, here.

Lust : Nah~ I am not as cool. Anyway, I should get back home. See ya, maybe, Epic.

I teleported home and fanboyed to myself about one of my OTP happening. But I am too distracted and don't realise someone is behind me, and get knocked out.


So, I will warm you here and on the next chapter.

The next chapter will talk about some sensitives things (rape and such). I won't really show it, but it is strongly implied still. So prepare a bit in advance I guess.

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