Chapter 14 : The loves letters

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Horror POV

Finally some peace. I sit in my room in Nightmare's mansion and take out the box filled with Plum's love letter for me.

Horror : So, what do we have in there ?~

I look if I can find where the oldest one is. Great ! He wrote down the date, so I can. I smile and grab the first one to read it. It is from around the time he got back to Underlust after staying with us in the mansion.

"Horror, it is Lust...

I wanted to thank you for saving me... No one else would have really bothered or noticed I think, among the other Sans...

I know I am in the most hated one with Nightmare and Error because I am... a slut...

Thank you so much for your kindness.

I am so lucky to have met you..."

I smile softly. I am the lucky one. He is so so sweet. I softly put back the letter in the box, then grab the next one. It is a bit crumple.

"Hello Horror... How are you doing ?

I was thinking if maybe... you would want to hang out with me, for a bit ?

Don't force yourself, of course. I know you are busy, so I understand if you don't have time for me... but if you have... Maybe we could go to Dancetale ? I really like that AU.

But if you want to go to another one, it is fine by me too."

Oh, so he loves dancetale ? I should remember it for later. I put it softly in the box. Up to the next one !

"Hello, Teddy bear Horror...

How are you ? I hope you are doing fine.

Me ? I am alright... I wrote to you to say something important...

I wanted to tell you... I love you with all my soul. You always make me feel at peace, never hated me. I am so grateful.

I love you so much. I am so lucky to have you in my life...

I don't ask for you to love me in return, I just... needed to write it down. I know I will never send it to you, after all.

Well, goodbye."

I look at the date again, surprised.

Horror : It... was three months after... he got back home. He loves me for so long ?

I feel a smile crawl on my lips. Aaaah, my sweet Plum... I sigh in happyness and take the next one.

"I can't believe that. Horror said he loved me back...

I can't even believe he agreed... It is like a dream...

If it is one, I don't want to wake up. He loves me, and cares for me, so much... I never loved someone so much before too. I hope I won't mess up... But with a world like mine...

I will make everything I can so no one will ever touch me again. So I will only be his.

If they are god-like beings like Ink said, please, watch over me to make sure it happens... Because I know will alone doesn't work in this world.

I guess that box became some kind of diary about Horror."

I smile softly. I remember Plum's confession. He was so cute and shy, even assuming my surprised silence as a reject.

Pretty sure he would have confessed through a letter, I would never see him again, because he would be running from me, afraid of hearing me reject him, while I just would have wanted to say "I love you too"...

He would have done just that. I am really lucky he said it out loud in front of me instead... I am not as good at stalking as Killer. And having to rely on Killer to confess would have been... embarrassing to say the least.

I reach for the next letter, but... Plum got here and got the letters, blushing brightly. I look at my door to see Killer, who most likely betrayed me.

Horror : That's how you thank me Killer ? Betrayal ? You are a damn traitor !

I take a falsely offended voice, while Plum is going to hide behind Killer, hugging the box.

Lust : How many did you read ?

Horror : Huh... the three fist ones.

Lust : That's the worst one !!

He is hiding his face in embarrassment and Killer is wiggling his eyebrow at me.

Horror : I swear, Kill, leave us alone, or I get Nightmare locking you up.

Killer : Killjoy. See ya, Lust.

He leaves and I softly hug Plum.

Horror : Calms down, Plum. It was cute and adorable. I found out I could still love you more, thanks to that too.

I kiss his skull and he is blushing even more but he nods. So cute... I love him so much.

Lust : I-I should head back now... S-see ya Teddy Bear...

Horror : See you.

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