
I went on that date with Brooks, and it was honestly way different than you'd expect.

He was a true gentleman. You could tell he was raised in Texas.

Brooks was funny, and he was so smart. No wonder he's already an up and coming manager in the music industry at the age of 23.

The barbecue restaurant he took me to was amazing, and they even had a live bluegrass band playing there.

After we ate dinner, we ended up on the dance floor, dancing to the music. He taught me how to dance Texas style, and I honestly laughed way harder than I should've. It was so funny to me.

I found myself enjoying our conversations, and simply having such a good time with him.

I felt like it was the right thing to do to move on from my fling with Ethan. If it wasn't gonna go anywhere any time soon, then why should it continue?

So, Brooks drove me home after we left the restaurant, and he walked me to the door of my apartment.

"I really enjoyed my time with you tonight," Brooks said as we reached my door.

I smiled as I glanced down at our fingers that were loosely tangled together, and then I looked back up into his blue eyes. "I had a lot of fun."

"Does this mean I can take you out again?"

I smiled. "Only if you kiss me."

And that's how it started. That's how Brooks and I became a couple. We went out the next week, and then the week after that.

And we called each other on the phone almost every day.

He asked me to be his girlfriend after the fourth date. I said yes.

I obviously introduced him to Olivia because he came over to watch a movie one night, and Olivia hung out with us too.

Honestly, I was kind of nervous about him meeting Ethan.

I really wanted them to like each other. I mean, Ethan's my best friend, so they need to be friends for it to work between Brooks and I.

Ethan and I were doing great with our new normal of strictly being best friends. We still were able to hang out like normal friends would.

He was supportive of me and Brooks.

It was actually my 20th birthday when I introduced them. I was surprised to see that they actually got along greatly.

I figured if Ethan knew I liked Brooks, he would like him too.

Around the end of the summer, Brooks actually took me home to Texas to meet his family. They were so kind and welcoming, and I definitely enjoyed seeing him in his home environment.

I met his two sisters, Katie and Jill, and I got to meet his grandparents too.

It was a blast. His parents were both so sweet, and I was so grateful that they let us stay in the guest room at their house.

Time went on, and Brooks and I stayed consistent in our relationship. Going on dates here and there, calling each other on days we couldn't see each other, and simply falling for each other.

I still hung out with Ethan a lot, but I felt like I was starting to let go of the feelings I had. I'd rather have him as a best friend forever than have a relationship that wouldn't work and end up losing him.

Ethan even hung out with Brooks and I a couple of times, and it was really fun.



I had to act like I was happy for her. She seemed happy, and I was glad about that. I was. She deserved to be happy.

I kept my dating life private from Emma, just because I wasn't seeing anyone who was actually special to me. I was mostly having random hookups here and there. She didn't really need to know that.

See? Nothing special. Not like what Emma and I had while we were together without being together.

I was surprised when the dynamic of us didn't really change. It was still normal for us to hang out and have meals together once in a while, and we still had so much fun talking and simply being best friends.

I could live with Emma being my best friend, even if I longed for something more. I'd take what I could get as long as I didn't lose her.

She stayed as the photographer for The Reckless, but she started booking a lot more gigs with other artists too.

She was getting a lot of followers on her photography page, and she was starting to make a lot of money through taking pictures at concerts.

Some artists even started paying for her to travel so she could take pictures of their concerts.

I was so proud of her.

Brooks actually was a nice guy, and I was glad he wasn't one of those douchebags. If I couldn't be with Emma, I wanted her to be with a nice guy like him.

They seemed great together. Always laughing with each other, he treated her really well, and I liked seeing Emma happy.

I still thought about what it would've been like if Emma and I would've been official, but I knew I needed to let go of that. She was happy, and we were still friends.

I could live with that.

Sure there were times that caught me off guard whenever Brooks laced his hand with hers, or whenever they shared quick kisses.

I guess when you love someone, you'll never get used to seeing them with someone else.

Even though Emma and I were still best friends, I found myself missing her. Missing us.

It still made me kind of sad that I wasn't the one who could kiss her on the cheek, or take her out to eat.

Even though we weren't 'official', it was pretty damn clear that we were a couple.

I missed that.

But I knew she was happy, and that's all I wanted for her.

Even if that meant I wasn't happy.

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