
"Ethan got a dog," I said, sitting down next to Daniel on our couch. We had only been living together for a month or two before we got engaged, but I already loved having a home together with him.

I turned so I could lay my legs across Daniel's lap, leaning against his chest as his arm wrapped around me, and his other hand landed on the back of my thigh.

"What kind? He didn't tell me he was getting a dog."

"She's a black lab mix. He sent a picture this morning," I said, getting my phone out and showing it to Daniel.

"Awe. She's cute. Maybe we'll get a dog someday."

I smiled at Daniel, who was already looking at me. He gave me a quick kiss before smiling back at me. "I love you, babe."

Pulling him so that we were both laying down, I kissed him again. "I love you more."

"Oh yeah?" He asked.


"Prove it."

Kissing him again, I giggled into his lips. "My love for you is bigger than the sky."

"My love for you is bigger than all of the oceans," he said, kissing me on the cheek.

I laughed again as he looked into my eyes, and I pushed the hair on his forehead back. The moment becoming serious, he whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you so much," I said, pressing my lips to his. This kiss lasted a bit longer, his mouth warm against mine as our lips moved perfectly in sync.

Daniel pulled away, laying his head on my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair. "I can't believe I get to spend everyday with you forever," he said. "How did I get so lucky?"

"We both did," I said. "I'm thanking God for seating me next to you on the plane."

Daniel laughed. "Me too. You know what's funny about that day?"


"I was five minutes away from missing the flight."


"Yeah. We never would've met if that happened."

"I'd like to think we would've found each other anyway," I said.

"I would hope that we would've ran into each other around here somewhere. I knew from the second I sat down in that seat next to yours that my life was about to change. I just had a gut feeling as soon as I looked at you."

I smiled. "You're so sweet."

Daniel kissed me on the cheek again. "I'm just speaking the truth, babe."

"So, what's this I hear about you and I getting a dog?"

"After we get married."

"When are we getting married?" I asked.

"When do you want to get married?"

"I was thinking in a year or two. No need to rush our engagement. We need to enjoy it. Grow together. We're still pretty young, so why not enjoy it while we can?"

"How about two July's from now?"

"July of the year after next?"

"Yeah. We can have a beautiful summer wedding. Maybe in California."

"I love that idea. That gives us about two years to plan it."

Daniel kissed me on the cheek again. "Perfect."


"Why do you always make me watch this with you?" Daniel said, laughing as I sat down with some popcorn. It was Bachelor Monday.

I smiled, scooting closer to him. "Because it's fun to watch. I know you secretly enjoy it."

He laughed. "Tell yourself that, sweetheart."

"What? It's a good show." I said, laughing at his smile as he shook his head. "There's a girl named Emma on it this year."

Daniel jokingly furrowed his eyebrows. "Better not be you."

"It's not. I promise," I laughed, holding out my hand so he could see the ring he gave me. "I already found my husband."

Daniel took my hand in his and kissed it. "I am so damn lucky," he said, giving me a sultry smile.

"Doesn't mean you're getting any tonight," I joked.

"What?" He said. I laughed.

"Only if you watch the bachelor with me."

"I'm willing to make that sacrifice."

"Of course you are," I said. "Because you love the bachelor."

"No. It's because I love what you're gonna let me do after it's over."

I laughed again. "You are such a goofball,"

"Hey, Dan the Man is not a goofball," he said.

I laughed even harder. "You call yourself Dan the Man. That automatically makes you a goofball."

"Whatever you say, Emma Bo-bemma."

I leaned my head against his chest, settling into a comfortable position to cuddle while we watched the show.

His fingers lightly trailed up and down the back of my shirt, and his other hand played with my hair as we laid there on the couch. I had my favorite show on, and my favorite man next to me.

There were still days when Ethan would cross my mind, and I'd wonder how different my life would be if I was with him, but I'm not sure it would've been meant to be anyway.

Everything feels right with Daniel. I never had to question where we stood in our relationship. Daniel was always so open about how he felt, and I was never left wondering about him.

He became just as close with my friends as I was, and he fit right in with my family. I fit in with his too, and there was nothing but love and support coming from them.

Daniel was the sweetest man I've ever had a relationship with. He never failed to lift my spirits on the days I felt down.

Ethan was still my best friend, but Daniel was too. Both in different ways. Ethan proved he was there for me no matter what our status was. He was still just as much my friend as he was when we were together without being together. And by that, I mean he was still there for me if I ever needed anything. To listen, to simply hang out, or to just be a friend.

Daniel was my partner-in-crime. My dancing partner, my personal comedian, and simply my favorite thing to come home to at the end of a long work day. He was my best friend.

But Ethan was my best friend too.

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