Chapter 12

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"Stop!" Ken ordered as he slid across the ground to stand still.

"What's happened now?" Suzume grew nervous. "Are they headed this way?"

Ken's eyes were wide in surprise and deep concern. "You've got to be kidding me." He couldn't stop the tremors throughout his body. His fists shook in both fear and anger.

"What's going on?" Kakashi was by his side now, eyes narrowed in caution as he saw the sensor's eyes now narrow, teeth gritted in obvious anger. "Ken, report." He gave the stern order.

It seemed to have done the trick to shake Ken somewhat out of his trance. He was still displaying a fierce expression though. "It's Itachi..." He fought to keep his voice level. "That was one of the three from earlier that I could feel from the West."

All eyes narrowed at the news.

Kuro bit his lip. He wasn't sure if Itachi showing up would be a good or a bad sign now that Taryn was involved. With the way Ken had reacted, their group had had run-ins with the Akatsuki member too. It didn't seem those encounters had gone over well. He decided to keep quiet.

"Where is he now?" Kinu asked. "Not trying to intercept us, I hope."

"Tch, what's it really matter if he shows up." Ken growled. "I'm going to make him pay for all the trouble he's caused Akio-san and sensei."

"Calm down," Kakashi took a firm stand in front of Ken, blocking his view of the direction the boy had sensed Itachi. "He isn't our concern right now. Now clear your head, and focus on what we are really here for. Or are you going to let Taryn and Hisayo down?"

Ken sucked in a sharp breath, eyes wide. After a short moment, he finally deflated, releasing the tension in his shoulders and lowering his head. "No, I'm not going to let that happen. I'm...sorry."

"Ken..." Suzume reached out, but stopped herself and withdrew her hand.

She wasn't going to do him any favors by trying to comfort him. Ken stood by his feelings against Itachi. She'd be a hypocrite to try and tell him to move on from them. Not when she held her own against him too, but it wasn't over what Ken had accused him of. It was simply over the terrible actions Itachi had taken against his own clan. How could someone be so...heartless?

"Is he the only one you can sense right now?" Kakashi followed up. "What about the nine from before?"

Ken was silent a moment before he spoke up again, in a low voice. "They're...moving again." He soon perked up. "They're going back the way they came!"

"Then this is our chance!" Kinu said. "We can trail them."

"How far are they?"

Ken frowned at the question given by Kuro. "Well we had to take a long route to try and get around them in the first place. They'll most probably reach wherever it is they are headed before we can catch up."

"But you'll still be able to track them regardless." Kakashi assured in complete faith of Ken's ability.

"Yeah, I'll—Oh no..." Ken appeared pale now. He looked to Kakashi who was anxiously waiting, like the others, to hear what had obviously changed given Ken's sudden appearance. "Akio-san... Itachi's signature is headed in his direction now."


Kumiko panted as she dropped to her knees. Ever since she had escaped from Itachi and Kisame, she had been running without pause. She wanted as much space between them as possible.

It still confused her that Itachi had helped her. He had no way of knowing who she was, they had never met and from what she had heard, he was a ruthless killer. He had slain his whole clan, children included. So why help her?

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