Chapter 7- Rescue?

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Dagur sometimes might be misspelled as dagger I apologize in advance I most likely will edit this after I complete it.
Astrids POV

"Well, Well, Well I guess Elena was right about you being smarter than you look," Kelsi mocks.

"STORMFLY DISTRESS CALL!" I Yell as I scream my war cry and we attack. I see Heather and Dagger flying in from the distance. As I was fighting my way through the hunters Stormfly was also holding them off until the others could get here. Heather and Dagger arrive we fight back to back axes swinging hunters falling I am about to hit one when the grab my ax.
"OH, NO YOU DON'T" I scream and steer punching and kicking the Hunter I hit a upper punch to the chin that makes him lose grim on my ax. I catch it knock him out with the flat side of it. There are 3 more and gather and dagger are busy I war cry and run at them. There are shouts and screams but I could hear a faint cheer of hiccup. And was able to knock out one heather joins me and then out of nowhere Stormfly and Winshere pick up the hunter and drop them in the ocean. When they land and look at us we just laugh I run and break the lock of the cage. Once he's out just run up to my fiancé and punch him in the arm and say "that's for getting kidnapped" he just laughs. And proceeds to kiss me on the lips we only pull apart when Dagur coughs. I give him a death glare and he backs up scared.
"Let's head back to the edge" Hiccup Asks
"You would like that wouldn't you" I tease Hiccup as I grab his hand to get on Stormfly as I wrap my arms around his waist and put my chin on his shoulder as we take off.

Once we get to the edge everyone go ones and does there own thing heather heads to the forest probably to throw her ax. Dagur goes back to his hut he's probably staying for a few days then he's gonna head back to Berserker island. Me and Hiccup go to the clubhouse to hangout but first I punch him again for scaring me. At dinner we are just relaxing and we head off to bed.

Hiccup and I were cuddling in our bed. He asks me "Would you ever want to go back to Berk if they accept dragons how we do M'lady?" This shocks me I mean ya I get if he misses Fish or Gobber but wow.
"I-I don't know babe,maybe? It depends but as of right now. No, Never" I state with uncertainty.
"Now never go on toothless without your flight suit again. Do I make myself clear?" I ask stern
"Yes Yes, you do. You've grown to like it I see" he teases me
I laugh "Only because it's saved your life multiple times" I mumble into his shoulder as I fall asleep.

Hiccups POV
Once Astrid falls asleep I let out a heavy sigh, because I am really worried they kidnapped me what if they try to get Astrid or Heather? Will they target Dagur, our allies...maybe even Berk? Then my thoughts start to drift to Berk more specifically my 'father' Stoick things like does he miss me? Did even notice we were gone himself? Did Da- No Stoick cry out of sadness for me? Or for loosing one of the few things he still had from when my mother Val was alive? Was she like we a friend to dragons or a dragon killer? Ugh too many questions without answers I think as I caress Astrids beautiful blonde hair and as I get lost in thought I fall asleep as well.
I hear and then I wake up saying "huh?"
I see Astrid shaking her head and giggling with her hands at her hips. Gods that's cute, I think.
"What's going on and what's so funny?" I ask suspiciously
"You, and we have to get up remember?" She says
"Ugh" I groan as I follow her to the clubhouse tiredly.
Hi, hope you enjoyed the chapter!
1) What should happen next?
2) Should the berkians find dragons edge?
3) Should the Berkians get captured by the Dragon Hunters?
4) Will the Dragon Riders(more specifically Hiccstrid) forgive Berk?

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