Chapter 21- Surprise?

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Spitelout's POV

As I am walking through Berk a month or so after the search for Hiccup left. Ugh, why can't they give up? I mean he is just a useless runt last time I saw him. Why can't they accept Snotlout as heir? And why did Snotlout go if he wanted to be chief?  I see something on the horizon...I gasp Dragon raid we haven't had one in 6 years! But if it's a raid wouldn't there be more than 15 dragons? Eh, they must be stupid then. I run and blow the rusty Dragon raid horn 3 times signaling there is one. Everyone runs out of their houses with a weapon shocked because of how long it's been. Now that I have a good look...Are the dragons carrying a berkian boat? A newer one at that?  I yell "Don't attack unless they attack first!" I hear replies of 'yes sir/spitelout'

After a good 5 minutes of them coming they reach the docks...and put the boat there? They fly towards the plaza and land now I see they have riders. What in tarnation?  They wait and see Stoick, Gobber, and the teens run from the docks, and Stoick orders "Don't attack, To the great hall...they have some explaining to do"

<<<At the Great Hall>>>

Hiccup's POV

All the berkians are asking what's going on, I sigh and say "Toothless plasma blast" He shoots the giant firepit to get everyone's attention and I nod to my father.

"I am sure you all have lots of questions, and all will be revealed in due time. But you have to be quiet and ask questions or complain after I'm done. Deal?" I tell them. There were murmurs of agreement. "Good, People call me Dragon Mater, Dragon Conquer but I prefer Dragon Trainer or..." I take off my helmet as I say the last word, "Hiccup" I smirk.

Astrid steps forward and removes her helmet as well and says "Ya Ya we're alive. Everything will be explained, don't make a peep and if you do'll face my ax" There were gulps from the berkians I just chuckled at her antics she hears me and rolls her eyes.

"The day we 'died' apparently was actually the day we ran away. A month or so after that we defeated the red death- A dragon that controlled the other dragons to bring her food...or get eaten themselves. It was as big as a mountain. For the months before and after the Red Death 'incident,' we founded Dragon's Edge, our home for 4 years. But for the past 6 years, we have been living at a Dragon er- Sanctuary with um-" I tell them and glance at Mom and Hilda. They step forward and remove their helmets. "Mom and Hilda-my little sister- before you say anything Mom was pregnant with Hilda when she was taken. Along with Heather, Dagur, and sometimes Fishlegs" As I list their names they take off their helmets. " We have been battling Dragon Hunters for the past- what? 10 years?"

"Yea about" Astrid answers.

"And there is something else you need to know. Zeph, Silvi Helmets"  I tell the two 4-year-olds and they take off their helmets.

"Hi the names Zephyr, Zephyr Elena Haddock. But call me Zeph. This is Silviya Carol Ingerman, she prefers Silvi tho, her parents are Heather and Fishlegs Ingerman. My parents are Hiccup and Astrid Haddock. Before you underestimate us we have all of their weapon skills, and before you say anything about my father he can beat Dagur in a sword fight. We are 4- Well I'm almost 5." Zephyr Introduces herself and Silviya and warns the berkians but we just chuckle.

"One more thing, We are only here to see if you can convince us to stay. If you can't do it within the month then all of us are leaving and never coming back. But know this, IF. YOU. TOUCH. ONE. SCALE. ON. OUR. OR. ANY. DRAGON'S. HEAD. WE. WILL. LEAVE. IMMEDIATELY. UNDERSTOOD." I tell them and then warn them threateningly.  They all nod hurriedly and all wondering the same thing: How in tarnation is he so scary he's Hiccup?!?

Silviya is basically a blond haired-green eyed- paler- a little bit 'husker' heather. And the photo is very pretty Good job to whoever made it. It is NOT mine.


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