Chapter 11- Garf

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Hiccups POV

Once we are far enough away I yell in frustration. I sigh "Let's just make sure the death-songs are okay"

"Hiccup I think we should take a rest before we do anything," Heather said.

"Your right, lets land for a few hours," I mutter as we land.

As the others are relaxing I hear footsteps behind me, I look and I see Astrid sitting next to me. "Hey, M'Lady what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Checking on you, because you had to see Stoick again," She replies.

"I'm okay, it's just frustrating because I hoped to never see him again, but I should be checking on you," I answer.

"I'm fine Babe, alright look, as much as I didn't want to see them it's relieving seeing that they are okay," Astrid says as she cuddles up next to me.

~Time Skip~

As we stand up to get going we hear a death-songs roar. "They went after it didn't they?" I ask no one.

"Most likely," Astrid replies clearly frustrated.

"Alright, put in your dragon's moss earplugs, and let's head over there," I state annoyed

Once we put in the earplugs we fly over there and we see Gobber the last one to be shot by the amber and get stuck in cacoons. I see Garf advance on Fishlegs I land quickly and yell "Garf NO!"

"THAT THING HAS A NAME?!?" Stoick yells shocked we just ignore him and continue.

Once all of us see him I say, "Somethings wrong, he's stressed Alright Heather and Dagur get them out of the amber, We'll go and see what's wrong."

Once we get to where garf leads us we see that below is a Dragon Hunter facility, Where they are harvesting Death-song amber. We Gasp, "Oh no, we'll save him we promise."

We come back they are all released and they see the worried looks on our faces. Heather asks "What is it?"

"Rember Garf's Adoptive-father? Yea the dragon hunters have an area here for farming death-song amber" Astrid puts strait-forward.

They gasp. "Uh, what?" Gobber asks.

"Right you don't know, Death-song amber can go hundreds of feet below the ocean without breaking and Dragon Hunters are our Mortal Enemy," I state with hatred towards the Dragon Hunters.

"Alright here's the plan, Astrid and Heather will free the death-song Me and Dagur will lay down cover fire get the death-song out of there fast, got it?" I explain while drawing the plan in the dirt while the others are looking over me.

"Got it"

"No problem"

"Ugh, why is it always me who lays cover fire" Dagur wines.

"Do you want to save a death-song that hates the wits out of you?" Astrid asks raising an eyebrow.

"Nope I'm good," Dagur said raising his arms defensively, we laugh at his antics.

"Saddle up, we have a death-song to save," I say.

"Yay! A mission with garf!" Astrid Cheers happily.

"No, remember last time?" I sigh I hate making her sad but Garf is NOT coming again. Gods that mission went horrible at least we got out of there alive.

"...fair point," She grumbles as we saddle up. Huh, she didn't fight. That's a first.

"DON'T HURT GARF OR ELSE!" Astrid threatens as we fly to save the death-song. Of course.

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