Chapter 12- Unknown

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Astrid's POV

God's I want to murder almost everyone on berk for hurting Hiccup. AND NOW STOICK CALLS HIM 'SON' HE NEVER TREATED HICCUP AS A SON THAT FLIPPIN- calm down Astrid, calm down. 

"Astrid the dragon will survive for Hiccup okay?" Dagur asks.

"...He will be, alright? Just keep an eye out for Valka," I say comforting Hiccup.

"got it," He says while starting to patrol the island.

~Time skip~

I see Valka and Hilda land, Valka shakes her head no when Hilda sees Hiccup. Heather leads them to the death-song Valka gasps and sighs and starts working with Silver's saliva and her own dragon medicine. She finishes as the sun sets, Heather and Dagur are asleep against their dragons.

"Dearie," Valka spoke "The death-song will survive but it's best if we take him to the nest"

"Alright, but take garf too, it'll be safer," I state

"Good idea, how is he?" Valka starts.

"Fine, just asleep," I say combing through his hair then falling asleep myself.


"Astrid, Astrid wake up!" I hear as I open my eyes to see Hiccup standing over me.

"Good morning babe, before you say anything your mum took the death-song's to the nest and the death-song will survive," I explain while a smile plasters my face, seeing him better than yesterday.

"Good," Hiccup smirks and gestures to the others still sleeping I immediately understand and smirk as well. Oh, they are SO going to have a nasty wake-up call. We sneak over there and have toothless lick them awake we are laughing so bad when they yell "HICCUP HELP US YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CONTROL HIM!! PLEASE!!"

"Why? I thought they like it and that's why hiccup told me to, meh I enjoy making them suffer washing my saliva off," Toothless says then continues licking them at this we laugh even harder and earn glares from Heather and Dagur.

"HaHa, Toothless haha s-stop," Hiccup says between laughter once he does toothless backs down. Heather and Dagur see hiccup happier and sigh not wanting to ruin it.

"Let's get back to the edge." Dagur sates flying off with heather.

"What's with them?" Hiccup asks me.

I chuckle then say in a baby voice"They're upset."

Hiccup laughs at me and we follow them back to the edge. Once we land Hiccup and I hang out for the rest of the day.

~Time skip(9 days)~

As I was throwing axes for training I hear something I look and see nothing. I pass it off and continue because if the night terrors nor myself found something it's nothing...right? That's odd... I swear I heard something I know I did.  I sigh "Hiyya! Yes, a bullseye." I cheer because I have been distracted but I haven't told anyone especially Hiccup and I haven't got a bullseye in a while. As I release my ax from the tree I hear a twig snap, I knew it! I knew I wasn't crazy. I think as I grip my ax searching then I hear more than 3 pairs of footsteps. Crap I'm out-numbered I need to get stormfly or go back to the edge. I start running toward the edge while calling stormfly. I see the cliff I use to jump off of which is surrounded by trees and I see stormfly I signal her to do the course. I put my ax on my back and run I put my foot at the edge and push off-putting my hands in front of me I hear gasps. Fools, I grab Stormfly's tail on my way down I climb onto her and fly towards the edge. I jump off stormfly and run in as we land at the clubhouse everyne is looking at me. "Ax...range...heard...twing...unknown..." I tell them panting.

"Woah woah woah calm down Astrid and tell us slower," Hiccup says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I was throwing axes I thought I herd something I didn't find anything then I heard a twig snap about 3 people based on there footsteps I was out-numbered I got out of there fast as possible, and stormfly wasn't with me at the time," I explain once I finished they were on edge.

"I wan't dagur to stay behind and look after the edge, everyone else patrol the island but its a possibility they already left." Hiccup orders we follow them. 

I go to my ax range and look around nothing changed except there's no one there. Dammit, they left hmm maybe I could get stormfly to track them. That wouldn't work she needs something they own to track people duh that's how tracker dragons track. I sigh "Nothing here girl lets go," I say to stormfly as I get on.

As I am finishing my last bit of area I have a feeling that I have been watched and it's starting to freak me out. "Are you okay Astrid you seem...out of it," Stormfly squacks worriedly.

"No, I just feel like I'm being watched and it's freaking me out because every time I look there's nothing," I tell her.

"Ugh that would be freaky, if there is someone they can't take on the edge or at leat you I mean you are the BEST WARRIOR ON THIS SIDE OF THE ARICIPELIGO! You know what I mean," Stormlfy roars supportingly.

"Yea I do, after all you are my best friend lets head back there's nothing here," I say. Once we land I shake my head and sigh "nothing"

"This is weird, if there is someone who can steath past ASTRID!" Dagur said clearly thinking.

 I think of anyone possible. Dagur,Heather,Hiccup,Elena,Kelsi,Any dragon hunters, Valka,Hilda can't. I gasp "No way...what if they found the edge" I mumble.

"What is it M'lady?" Hiccup asks after he sees my worried expression.

"There was ONE person back on...berk who could out-stealth me when we left," I say nervously they all look at each other worriedly.

"Who?" Heather asks as Hiccup hugs me.

I gulp then say "...M-My Father"

Once Hiccup lets go and sighs, "We'll look into this further in the morning as we all need sleep"

I nod subconshously and just stare at the wall. We left but I was being 'draged' to our hut by Hiccup. Once we are inside Hiccup and he gets me out of my state he confronts me and states "Out with it"

I sigh, "W-What if they found the edge? What if they take us back to berk?" I say and then I start crying.

"I told you before and I'll tell you again, No matter what happens we'll do it TOGETHER. Now what else is it? Dont say nothing cause I know there's something else going on." Hiccup assures me.

"Ever since I came from the range I felt someone watching me but...I couldn't find anything. A-And there's one other thing just don't get mad at me okay?" I tell him.

"Hey,It'll be okay and I promise M'Lady" Hiccup tells me.

"Ever since we came back from Melody Island I've been...distracted I just feel like something bad is going to happen," I explain.

"I can't promise nothing bad will happen  but I can say that I WILL protect you no matter the cost," He promises me as I cry into his chest with my arms around him and his around my waist.

To be continued....

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