Chapter 18-Discovering Sancuarry

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Stoick's POV

As we were sailing through this land we came across something that looked like the ice from that giant dragon. 

"Woah" was a common word said

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"Woah" was a common word said. I glanced at Fishlegs he looked nervous and happy at once.

As we set down on the shore, I told the teens to go, scout, the inside. They agreed and went to look for an entrance I saw them enter somewhere and ruff came back and said "we found one...bye!" and ran back.

Fishlegs POV

Oh no, this is bad like really bad! How am I supposed to stop them, I know stoick's onto me. We are at where the sanctuary is um...That's it! I run up ahead and the others are following me but they don't know this place like I do and I lose them easily and run to Hiccup.

"Fishlegs?!? What are you doing here?" Hiccup asks surprised

"Teens, Gobber, Cheif, and I were trying to find you...well they were. I was able to make them not find you for 5 years but they're here. I tried super hard, although the Cheif is onto me." I explain quickly.

"What? Oh no, I'm not mad Fishlegs. Thank you, I'm surprised you didn't get caught or held them off for this long thank you. Can you get everyone to the meeting room?" Hiccup said/asks.

"Sure, it's not a problem. MEATLUG COME HERE, GIRL!" I answer then call my dragon. Once she hears my voice she comes to zooming past and lands I run to her hug her and take off to find them.


Ruffs POV

"Ugh! fish face ran off we tried chasing him and now we're stuck in its stupid ass maze" Snotlout complains while walking. Little did they know they were walking in a hatching area where males aren't allowed.

"I know right that idiot" Tuff agrees

I facepalm while saying, "Guys we need to turn back-"

"Nah were good" they interrupt

"fine get yourselves killed," I answer while heading back Muttonheads, were in a hatchery. Dragons are Very protective when in mother mode. I saw eggs so this makes this a hatchery. Right? (A/N: Smart ruff? who knew? Then again she was the only girl for 10 years so...she had to mature and get smarter right?)

"ya ya," they answer simultaneously.

While I was in thought I bump into someone and say "sorry" I look up and see the old chieftess... "Chieftess? Is that you?"

"Uh...who are you?" She asks

"Oh right sorry, and sorry for trespassing I was ordered to by my chief. The names Ruffnut Thorsten but cal me Ruff. Oh and is this a hatchery where only females are allowed?" I tell/ask her

"Okay ruff, what tribe are you from, and yes it's that type of hatcher, and why?" She asks again.

"Oh, gods...I'm from Hary Holiagans and my twin brother and the chief's nephew are in there I tried getting them out but they didn't listen." I tell her picking a little bit

"Oh no, and yes it's me Valka Haddock just call me Valka dear now let's go save those idiots," Valka tells me.

"Yea let's save my idiotic brother and the flirtatious woman repellent" I answer and Valka chuckles.

Once we were there we see them cowering behind a rock. I sigh idiots Valka goes over and roars? The dragons nod and she said, "Alright you two come out and I'll lead you somewhere you have to stay until we figure things out." 

They run out and follow valka to a cell? we walk in and say "Guessing we're staying here until you figure things out?" Valka just nods and leaves, while I smack them on the head "idiots"


Hiccup's POV

"What is it? and how is Fishlegs here?" Dagure asks.

"Teens, Stoick, and gobber are here looking apparently," I tell them and they gasp. "Fishlegs was able to hold them off for 5 years without getting caught. That by itself is impressive, so congrats Fishlegs. But the teens are in the sanctuary I'm assuming Gobber and Stoick are still on the ship" I look at fishlegs and he nods I continue, "for the first time in a very long time I-I don't know what to do..." I sigh

"Whatever it is we will get through it together daddy" Zephyr answers from the door "All I heard was that the first time in a long while you didn't know what to do daddy"

I smile and jester for her to come she comes and sits on my lap and Astrid smiles and said "She's right you know. We will get through it together."

"Yea, thanks.'

"Daddy? What if you give them amber oleander powder and make them fall asleep while taking them and their boat back to uhh..." Zephyr suggests

"That's brilliant Zephyr! Good girl" I congratulate my daughter

"Babe you and I both know they will keep coming back here until they succeed," Astrid tells me

"Yea I know, we might just have to face berk once again..." I tell them and they gasp.

"Your right son, I found Snotlout and the twins in the hatchery. Although nothing was destroyed and Ruff was trying to get the boys to leave but failing." Valka tells us.

"Daddy? Was my idea bad because it didn't work?" Zephyr asks from my lap

"No, it was a good idea but it wouldn't have worked in this situation. Because they would have come back again and again and again." I explain.

"oh, so they are too stubborn to realize that you don't want to go back?" Zephyr said

We laugh "Yes"

"Heather Dagur get, gobber and Stoick and bring them in, Mom Hilda get the idiots that trespassed and bring all of them to the dragon greeting area." I assign jobs "We'll meet you there"

Hums of agreement "Zephyr, Silviya go and hang out with your dragons plus Crimson please." I tell them 

"Alright, daddy/Unkle Hiccup" They reply as they run off I smile.

"I guess its time to meet my dad once again..." I say grimly

To be continued...

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