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"Mrs. Damyon, I think I made a mistake," you vented. "I told Jonathan Joestar I'm smitten with him."

"So, he rejected you?" Mrs. Damyon question. 

"Not exactly," you clarified, "but, he didn't reciprocate them, either. He said he had to think, but that fear of him expressing that he doesn't feel the same it still there in the back of my mind."

"Ah, I see." The librarian smiled. "When did you confess?"

"After the rugby game," you answered.

"Why that was less than an hour ago!" she exclaimed. "No wonder you're so nervous. It's totally normal to feel this way, but all you can do now is wait."

You sighed. "Thank you, you are a great listener."

"As librarians tend to be." She patted you on the back and walked back to her desk. You left soon after, not noticing the blond waiting next to the doorway. 

After returning to your spot and opening your book once more, a shadow covered the page. 

"Excuse me, but you're in my light," you expressed, not glancing up from the paragraph. 

"Ah, sorry 'bout that, mate! Just trying to surprise an old friend at her fancy college."

You looked up and smiled. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Good to see you, but how'd you get in here?"

He smiled, sitting across from you. "I have my ways. After all, you're from Ogre Street, too. You know about what kinds of stuff we need to learn to survive there."

"Fair enough," you responded, closing the book once more. 

"How have your chemistry studies been, love?" Speedwagon kindly questioned. "I'm still so surprised someone from the slums could make it here."

"Actually... I changed majors," you admitted. "It was apart of the agreement with the college. I take a major that's 'more suitable for my womanly brain' and they let me attend. I'm a bibliometrics student now."

"If it makes any difference, (Y/N), I think you would have been a great chemist."

"Thanks, Speedwagon. I appreciate it." You looked at your best friend and realized something. "Were you waiting for me outside of that office? How... much did you hear?"

"Not much, I try not to overhear what isn't my business," he explained. "All I could understand from what little I heard is that my good friend since childhood is worried about a man who would be easy pickin's on Ogre Street, yet you still find yourself head-over-heels for him. I may not know him or his name, but I know you don't deserve someone who can't see how lucky they are when someone as beautiful and intelligent as you confesses your love."

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience," you teased. "Is there a girl I should know about?"

He blushed with embarrassment. "Actually, I've never found myself developing that sort of connection with a woman." You cleared your throat. "Oh--besides you of course, (Y/N), but you're more of a sister to me than a romantic partner."

"Well, this has been a nice chat, really, but I should get going." You stood up. "Thank you for the visit, Speedwagon. Maybe I'll come to Ogre Street later this evening. See how things have been without me."

"Sounds like a plan, (Y/N). I'll see you tonight."

You smiled at him one last time before leaving the library, still unsure how he got in or how he would leave without being forcibly escorted out by college security. It wasn't a surprise to you as to when you walked down the long corridor towards your dorm room, Dio was waiting for you. It was practically harassment at this point, but you didn't want to report it at the risk of insulting Jonathan's family or the college shrugging it off and kicking you out of the school. 

"You again?" you questioned. "Why? What do you want?"

Instead of being furious, Dio showed no emotion. He didn't even look at you--he just stared forward. "Does kindness mean nothing to you, (Y/N)? All these good deeds I've done for you and yet you still think it is okay to disregard them and my warnings?"

"I refuse to humor you with an apology," you mumble, reaching for the doorknob. But Dio grabbed it before you could. 

"(Y/N) (L/N), making me your enemy when all I ask is your compliance will be the worst mistake of your life."

You crossed your arms. "Is that a threat?"

"Only if you don't start listening to me."

"Then I guess it is." 

There was silence, yet his stare made it feels as though those empty halls were full of screams. When Dio left, you unclenched your jaw, something you didn't realize you were doing, and sighed in relief. It felt like your dorm room was the only place you could unwind in times like these. All this anxiety about trying to prove yourself to the school and your classmates that you, a girl, was just as capable as them and expressing your love to a man you who was in a completely different social class than you. It was a lot to take in. 

Falling onto your bed, you suddenly realized how tired you were. You spent all day doing work for classes and watching the rugby game, plus all the emotional stress placed on your shoulders. 

A quick nap before dark and you would make your way to Ogre Street.

-end of chapter three

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now