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Your eyes fluttered open, finding yourself in a dark, empty room with nothing looked familiar

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Your eyes fluttered open, finding yourself in a dark, empty room with nothing looked familiar. You stood up.

"Hello?" your voice echoed. You heard a match being lit and saw the small flame light a candle. There, you saw Dio, the Asian apothecary, and the man you didn't recognize who had knocked you out.

Dio wore a black cloak and had burns on his body from the fire, but he was still very much alive. "(Y/N), do you know why I have brought you here?"

"No," you answered. Your body was weak, there was no point in running, even if you knew where the exit was. How long were you unconscious? Dio smirked and held up the stone mask. You gasped. "I-Is that--"

"It is," he answered in a deep voice. "I've been thinking, (Y/N). I feel like you would be a perfect fit in my undead army. You're strong, competent, courageous... using the mask's powers would have no waste on you."

He threw the mask at your feet. You looked down at it, then back at him. What could say in a situation like this? You gulped. "... I would never join you..."

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, my dear. I don't want you to join me, actually," he grinned. "I can't help but be kind to you and I can't quite place why that is. Perhaps your direct personality makes it feel as though you are a woman after my own heart, but I know you are willing to do almost anything for Jonathan's reciprocated adoration."

"So why would you want me to wear the mask and become a fiend--an abnormality!?" you questioned.

"I know things about you, (Y/N). Things you would never believe I knew unless I told you." He stood and walked to you, leaving his cloak behind on the throne-like seat he sat upon with the apothecary and unknown man on each side of it, as if they were guards making sure you didn't fight back. They didn't leave their spot when Dio went to you, knowing well you wouldn't be able to hold your own against him, even if you were tough. When he was close enough, he reached his arm out and cupped your cheek. "It's a shame you chose the wrong brother. After all, Jojo doesn't know about your son, now, does he?"

You jumped back. "H-How did you--"

"You only thought Speedwagon knew of the incident, correct?" Dio questioned. "Speedwagon... and the professor you slept with. The one who said he would make sure your application would get accepted if you did one little 'favor' for him?"

Your stomach felt like it had dropped and your skin went pale. Though there were only three others in the room, you couldn't help but feel a hundred eyes placed onto you. You fell to your knees, tears forming in your eyes and you gripped the sides of your head. "I couldn't take care of a child and go to school. I just couldn't! I gave him up for adoption. It was for the best." You covered your face and cried, finally admitting to the event you thought about every night.

Abortions were a dangerous thing, not to mention you were living in a dorm room. You knew of others could and would have helped you raise a baby, but in the end, your love for the child helped you figure out adoption was the best choice you had. You named him before you gave him away, however. Agustus, like the first Roman emperor.

"There is no need for tears, (Y/N). You did not sin, only doing what you thought was best, and in the end, isn't that all we really can do?" Dio spoke. "Wear the mask and gain its power. Not only will you forever be young and beautiful, but you'll have, quite literally, all the time in the world to find that offspring of yours and finally get the education you truly you wish for."

You looked at the mask in his hand, and you considered it for just a moment. "Where will the blood come from?"

Dio snapped his fingers. "Jack, show our special guest who we have brought for her."

The mystery man, now with the name Jack, walked into the darkness alone and out with an all too familiar man. A fellow student just like you, he was in your literature class and would constantly barrage and harass you. Not only was he the pride and joy of the professor who had impregnated you, but the man would often brag about his ability to speak fluent Russian and would take any opportunity to read from War and Peace.

"Do you know him, (Y/N)?" Dio asked, walking away from you and towards the man. "Does his face fill you with rage?"

"Of course you would be behind this," he hissed, his face bloody and injured. "You always get others wrapped up in your business."

Furious, you rushed over to him, the clicking of your boots echoing throughout the room. "I and the professor were having a private discussion about personal matters that evening. You had no right--no reason--to burst into the room after class hours like you own the place!" You looked at Dio. "You're right about so much, yet wrong about one. While it is true me, Speedwagon, and the professor knew about..." You sighed. "He... he also knew. He'd constantly use it as blackmail and to make me burst out in rage during lectures."

Dio grinned. "I knew that as well, (Y/N). He's the one who told me of this secret. One night, after a rugby game." Your eyes widened. You looked from Dio back to your classmate and suddenly anger filled your body. You gripped your fists together and punched him right in the face.

"Psycho bitch!" he yelled, his nose now bloody.

"Take this," Jack said with his zombic voice. In your hand, he placed a knife.

"I'm not going to kill you," you said, no emotion on your face. You felt dead inside.

-end of chapter eight

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now