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It felt like an earthquake as stones fell around you five.

"Tarkus, Bruford, arise!" Dio demanded. "With my command, you shall fight! Anguished cries will let many know of me and my glory!"

As the ground rumbled, you left the rock beneath your and Jonathan's feet. You gasped and looked beneath you, seeing Poco, Speedwagon, and Zeppeli staring up at you and Jonathan in awe as they grew smaller with more distance coming between you all.

"Jonathan, I don't know what'll happen, but..." you gulped with a smile following after. "I'm not afraid of what may happen."

You took his hands into yours. He looked deeply into your eyes, a serious expression darting across his face. "(Y/N), regardless of your lack of humanity, I will do everything I can to keep you alive."

You nodded earnestly, removing one of your hands as you both turned to face the men Dio pulled from their eternal slumber, as they were the ones who raised the rock from beneath you; more specifically, the long-haired fellow.

"Poco, can you hear us from up here okay?" you questioned. He nodded eagerly. "We need you to get to safety. Go."

He nodded and scurried off, causing you to sigh in relief.

Dio quickly began his next monologue, "Casualties of Queen Elizabeth, these knights helped in the fight against Mary, Queen of Scotland in the mid-1500s." He looked at his minions. "Heed me well. These humans are quite... vexing. Destroy them, that is an order. The details of how you do it are of no importance to me."

"What about the vampire?" the long-haired male question.

"Destroy her if possible," Dio responded. "But your main focus should be on Jojo."

With their orders given, the larger of the two sent his finger through the mineral underneath you and Jonathan, thus resulting in it crumbling beneath you. Tarkus and Bruford stood in their spot, watching you and Jonathan fall, waiting until the inevitable crash into the ground. Immediately upon landing, the larger of the two grabbed your head, and threw you to the side.

"You betray your own kind by not fighting for Lord Dio," the large one grunted.

You narrowed your eyes and hissed, showing your fangs. "If he was the one to give you life reanimated, it'll be taken away one final time by my hand!"

The smaller of the two with long hair jumped towards Jonathan. "Peasant, relinquish your blood to me."

When you saw Jonathan use a Zoom Punch full of Hamon, you turned your focus to the large shakes in the ground. It was the large man charging towards you.

"When you see the devil in Hell, you witch," he called to you, "tell him Tarkus will return once more, this time with victory and honor!"

His two hands clamped together, he attacked with his large elbow at your face. You growled, blocking this hit by grabbing his arm before it made contact and freezing, giving you time to stand up and get out of the way.

Due to how Tarkus was built, it was very easy for him to break from the frost. He ran towards you again.

"You insufferable wench! How dare you!" His sword in hand, he charged again. However, you weren't the one he was about to attack. It was Jonathan, who had been tied up by the one you finally figured out was Bruford.

"No!" you spoke, trying to replan your next moves. You looked at Zeppeli, but he was trying to get his blood flowing again by using the body heat of Speedwagon. It was just you and Jonathan--but the warriors of yore had their eyes set on him to make Dio happy, giving you no more opportunities to distract Tarkus. "I should've used a different attack! Dammit, I didn't think this through enough!"

"I see you have finally seen how dedicated my knights are," Dio said to you. "I called to them from the earth to wreak vengeance at my command. In both life and death, they are fearsome, but now, they are invincible!"

"Their hate has been fermenting for 300 years," Speedwagon said. "Be careful, (Y/N)."

"Though I don't have many centuries worth, I feel that same emotion for their master." You hissed at them, shooting your Space Ripper Stingy Eyes at them. They were able to avoid the attack, except for a few strands of Bruford's hair. It wasn't much, but you took that as a win and grinned. "You've been doing great keeping the baron safe! Keep it up!"

"(Y/N), you might want to keep your distance," Jonathan spoke under his breath. When he put up his arm, you took the hint and moved closer back to Speedwagon and Zeppeli.

As Jonathan used his Hamon, you bit your lip out of fear a little might get to you with your back turned. Regardless, you took your hands and put them on the baron's arm. "If I have full mastery over my body, I'm sure I can heat things up just as much as I can freeze them." You sighed. "I haven't done this before, but I'll be careful."

You gently began to heat up Baron Zeppeli's arm, watching as Jonathan managed to get Bruford's hair off him with the Hamon.

"Amazing," you breathed, taking your hands off the Hamon master.

"Truly," he responded, rubbing his wrist as feeling returned to it.

"How can he look so calm...?" Speedwagon questioned. "Such a brave bastard."

You hummed, "That's why I care for him so."

Bruford glanced at Jonathan. "This boy shall be the perfect target upon which I will practice my art of war."

You stepped next to Jonathan, you both striking battle stances. You were both ready to fight the two but were interrupted by a surprise zombie attack.

"The human's flesh belongs to me!" he hissed. "I can smell the sweet, sweet cartilage already!"

-end of chapter fourteen

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