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"Jojo..." you put your hand on his wide shoulders as he stared at the empty chest plate that once belonged to Bruford.

"Why did I have to strike him down to redeem his soul?" Jonathan spoke. "He died once before with hate in his heart, but his spirit was still pure... just like yours, (Y/N)."

You didn't say anything. Your eyes watered looking at Jonathan's sorrow. He stood up and took your hands in his. "I'm... so happy you needn't redeem your soul, yours is already so pure."

You hugged him. "Thank you, Jojo. You--You don't know how much that means to me."

Jonathan looked at the empty armor once more, then back at you. "He didn't have a choice to return to the world of the living, but instead, was dragged back up by Dio's evil and the mask's power. I'll send them both to Hell before dawn!"

You smiled, but as quickly as it appeared, it faded away. Standing behind Jonathan was an all-too-familiar face. "J-Jojo!"

"He's right behind you!" you heard Speedwagon yell from the cliff. 

Jonathan turned, "Tarkus!"

With one step, the man destroyed the armor that laid empty in the small patch of flowers. He grinned proudly. 

"You villain!" shouted Jonathan.

"How could you!?" you questioned. "I thought he was your friend!?"

"He died with honor and dignity!" Jonathan added. 

"He died like a spineless dog!" Tarkus roared. Speedwagon and Zeppeli raced over to you and Jonathan's side. "He was too clever and liked winning fights with thinking. I, on the other hand, beat 'em until they fall to pieces! If that way works so well, what use have I got for clever? I got a sword as tall as a man! None of you will get an easy death!"

With a grunt, Tarkus raised his sword and slammed it into the ground. The four of you fell back as large pieces of earth rose from the ground beneath your feet. Poco, still on the cliff, fell with the ground rumbling. Thankfully, you managed to grab him by his shirt. 

"(Y/N), nice catch!" the baron spoke. He looked down. "These dead leaves... Jojo!"

"Yessir!" he looked at you. "Step back near Speedwagon and Poco, (Y/N)." 

You nodded, moving as far as you could. You watched as Jonathan and Zeppeli used their Hamon. "Life magnetism overdrive!" They placed their Hamon filled hands onto the ground where the leaves laid. They stuck together, making a giant leaf as Tarkus threw his sword at the group. 

"Poco, Speedwagon, grab on!" Jonathan exclaimed. "Hurry!"  

With the command, Poco jumped onto Jonathan's back and Speedwagon wrapped his arm around the baron's torso. You knew what they were going to do, so you waited until they jumped to follow. As you jumped using your vampire agility, Tarkus's blade just barely grazed your back. Your jacket was ripped, causing it to fall off. 

Thank goodness it's night, you thought to yourself, otherwise, I'd be burning up!

However, your jacket being missing helped you in the end. You were able to move more swiftly and grab onto the rocks as you jumped and ran sideways. Due to the fact you could only rely on your agility, you couldn't understand what Poco, Speedwagon, Zeppeli, and Jonathan would say when they spoke. On the plus side, you were able to warn them when danger came.

"Guys!" you yelled towards them. "Look out! It's Tarkus!"

He leaped onto the giant leaf they used to soar in the sky. Since it was Hamon that held all the smaller ones together, he fell off shortly after, taking a handful of the leaves with him. 

"Ha! You fool!" you laughed at the brute. 

You saw the four leap from the leaf and onto what looked to be an old abandoned castle. From the cliff, you jumped to join them. 

You panted and bent over, gripping your knees. "That was so difficult to do in a dress!"

Before you could ask if they were all alright, or them to you, Bruford crashed into one of the towers. 

"He's crazy," Zeppeli commented. 

"This may be a good thing," you concluded. "Zombie minions can't regenerate unlike Dio and me. Hopefully, that shall be the last we see of him."

Unfortunately, as those final words left your lips, a bloodied hand emerged from the rubble--Tarkus's bloodied hand.

"He should be minced meat by now!" gasped Baron Zeppeli. "How!?" 

"His iron will, that's how," you answered. "It's the only thing keeping his undead body together since his heart no longer beats." 

"We can't destroy Dio if his monster dogs keep following our steps." Zeppeli watched him climb up from which he crashed into. "It seems we have no other choice. Tarkus meets his doom here and now. Jojo, (Y/N), get the lad safely inside that iron door."

You and he nodded as Jonathan opened it. "Hmm... there's something odd about this door."

"Is that so?" you asked, holding onto the small boy's hand to comfort him. 

"We need to be careful," Poco said, peeking in. "This is where knights used to train to kill people!" 

You looked at him, "is it safe to assume it's full of booby traps?" Poco nodded in response. 

Letting go of the boy, you stepped forward until Speedwagon called out:

"Duck, (Y/N)! Something's coming at ya!"

You turned around to look at Speedwagon, then someone pushed you to the ground and heard a groan. Jonathan took your place as an iron collar locked onto his neck and pulled him away. 

"Jojo!" you cried out as the iron door closed, locking you, Speedwagon, Poco, and Zeppeli out of the room. "No!"

"(Y/N), can't you use your vampire strength to open the door or somethin'?" Speedwagon questioned. 

"I don't think that would be wise," you grumbled, banging your head against the bars on the small window, denting them in the process. "We don't know if Tarkus is chained up, too. If he isn't, he could very well attack us."

"Then we must watch and wait for the right opportunity," Zeppeli responded. "Good decision, (Y/N)."

You felt exhausted, unable to piece together if it was physical or mental.

-end of chapter seventeen

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now