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As the zombie leaped at Jonathan, you jumped in front of him to protect him from his attacker, but your efforts were for nothing, as Bruford took care of the creature

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As the zombie leaped at Jonathan, you jumped in front of him to protect him from his attacker, but your efforts were for nothing, as Bruford took care of the creature.

"Begone, Glutton. He is our foe." With his finger, Bruford impaled the eye of the zombie. It scurried off with his bleeding face as Bruford flicked the organ off his digit. 

"I would thank you, but, well..." You put your hands on your hips and looked him up and down. "Y'know." 

"You should be grateful you are not the one we have been commanded to exterminate." He looked up at Dio. "Me lord, this young man has a great spirit I can sense. I humbly request to face him one-on-one so I may strike him down."

"Very well," Dio responded.

Bruford turned to his friend. "Tarkus, he is mine." When Tarkus put his weapons down, Bruford looked at you. "Young lady, I advise you to sit this battle out. Just me and him."

You looked at Jonathan and gulped, but hesitantly nodded. "I-I suppose that's fair." 

You stepped back and watched as Bruford menacingly walked towards Jonathan.

"(Y/N), did you ever learn about these two men in your school days like I?" Jonathan asked, putting his arms up in his fighting stance. 

"No," you admitted. "I mean, we learned about Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, but that's it."

"It's quite frightening to see a man on your textbook pages spring into real life," Jonathan explained. "Especially one that wishes death upon you."

"Regardless, you must remember to keep your breath steady," you reminded. 

With both hands behind his back, Bruford jumped high, using his hair to hold his sword. He managed to get a cut on Jonathan's cheek before landing on his feet. This sent Jonathan falling off the cliff and into the water. 

"Jojo!" you gasped.

Bruford went after him, leaving you, Speedwagon, and Zeppeli to look down in worry. 

"He's at a great disadvantage," Zeppeli commented. "No air, no Hamon."

"Surely there's something we can do to help," Speedwagon suggested. 

But before you three could make your way down, something caused the area to shake, preventing you from moving. A quick look behind you and you were brought face to face with Tarkus.

You crossed your arms. "This brute? Again?" You looked up at him. "Don't worry. We know their deal. We won't interfere." You sighed.

Speedwagon's eyes widened. "(Y/N), you can't be serious! He'll die!"

"If I'm an expert on anything, it's two things—bibliometrics and Jonathan Joestar," you explained, even though you knew Speedwagon longer than you have Jonathan. "I've known him ever since we started college together and since the first day I laid eyes on him, I knew he was a fighter. He'll think of something, I just know it."

Zeppeli nodded. "That is a wise decision. This fight is Jojo's and Jojo's alone. It's best to no interfere."

Speedwagon bit his lip and looked off into the water. "Godspeed then."

Soon enough, there was a splash. Out flying from the water was Bruford.

"That had to be the work of Hamon!" you exclaimed proudly.

"He did it!" grinned Speedwagon.

Zeppeli chuckled joyously. "Bravo, Jojo, bravo."

Tarukus was not happy, and responded to all of this praise was a frustrated grunt.

"That's amazing!" gasped Poco.

"It's not over yet!" Jonathan shouted, stopping the sea of praise from the group. "Anything less than a punch full of Hamon won't be enough."

You watched as Bruford stood up, blood trickling down his forehead. "My good Lord Dio! I thank you for my life anew!" His face was cracking, your breath getting more rapid. Hamon's use made you so nervous, and seeing it in action did nothing but fill you with regret and fear. "The duel with the stouthearted lad would have caused my heart to burst from swelling if it still could beat! He is a man made of the stuff heroes are, down to the blood of him. But now, we fight with the mastery of arts and strength of spirits that wage wars."

You looked worried at Jonathan. He did nothing but stare at his foe. 

Bruford continued, "Bare your soul and hold nothing back! You will not survive past this moment!" With a grunt, he leaped towards Jonathan.  "Your head will be a great trophy for when I beat you!"

"You say that yet it will be your hair doing all the work!" rebutted Jonathan. "Withstand my Hamon with no tricks like a real man!"

 With his Overdrive Barrage, Jonathan attacked as Bruford's hair wrapped around his wrists. Soon, Jonathan was completely tied up. 

"Jojo!" both you and the baron gasped. 

Speedwagon wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you close in a friendly hug of comfort. There was nothing you two could do--this was his fight, and it filled Speedwagon with anxiety just as much as it did you. 

-end of chapter fifteen 

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