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"Poco, where in blazes were you at this hour!?" you heard the man holler at his son

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"Poco, where in blazes were you at this hour!?" you heard the man holler at his son. There was a slap, you flinched, even though it was not you who was harmed. You waited outside with everyone, so you were unable to hear their conversation. 

After a few moments, you heard Poco yell: "She went out!?" 

You perked up, looking concerningly at the house. 


A young girl sat in front of the large window in Dio's manor. She was most displeased and with crossed arms, she looked at the vampire lord with fiendish creatures beside and around him. 

"Think about this," Dio spoke to her. He held up a rose, "Take this lovely flower. Your youth is blooming just like this flower is. Consider this carefully, mademoiselle. If this flower blooms fully, it will only wither away. A shame, don't you think?"

"She's sweet sixteen! So pure and innocent!" grinned one of Dio's creatures--a dog with the face of a man. "Look at how full of delicious life energy she is, Lord Dio!" He laughed maniacally with his tongue drooping out. 

Dio stared down at his creation. He kicked it up, then down with his heel. It bled as it hit the solid floor, causing the girl to whimper and look away. 

"Those without manners aren't fit to live," Dio said, looking down with an unsympathetic look at the now-dead dog man. He stood up and walked over to the teenaged girl. "So, Mademoiselle... I offer you a choice. Wouldn't you like to enjoy your youth for all eternity? However, I will not force my friendship upon you, unlike some. You are free to choose your own destiny. You wouldn't even be the first I've done this for. There was another woman I gifted the powers to--quite the inquisitive one, she was. Went to my college before I became who I am now. After gaining her immorality, she ran off to join my brother's cause to bring an end to me. I didn't bother stopping her because just as I offered to you, she can do as she pleases."

"Devil," the girl mumbled. 

Dio grinned and bent over beside her. "What's that you said?"

She glared at him and sent her palm flying across his face. Slap! "Y-You're just a damned d-devil!"

Blood trickled down from Dio's lips. He licked it as the rose still in his hands withered away in seconds. He dropped the dead flower and stepped away. The girl wasn't safe yet, as just as the vampire lord's steps were heard leaving her presence, she felt liquid dripping onto her. She looked up. The green substance was coming from one of Dio's monsters. To say she was terrified was an understatement. 

"Alas. Though you will soon part, allow me to introduce my companion." The hooded monster jumped from the ceiling to a few feet in front of the girl. "This is the dreaded Doobie. Since I am not of your taste, you might enjoy his company. Goodbye, mademoiselle." Dio shut the door on his way out. 

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now