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The sun fell on your window still differently a week later

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The sun fell on your window still differently a week later. Instinctively, you rested your arms on it, only for the sunlight to retaliate and burn your flesh. You pulled away with a hiss, your new fangs showing to no one but the reflection in the glass panes. You were to meet with someone Jonathan had met--a one Will Anthonio Zeppeli.

To keep your vampiric nature a secret, you dressed in a black wide-brimmed hat with a white fabric wrapped over it and tied under your chin. Your dress was originally short-sleeved, but you put a long-sleeved top underneath it that was able to cover your hands with a small loop at the end of the sleeves to put around your middle finger. Though the skirt covered your legs, you put on knee-high boots just to be safe. As for makeup, you put black eyeshadow with small wings and black lip liner with crimson red lipstick. Your long, sharp nails were painted black except for your ring fingernail--that was blood red. With a sun umbrella in your hand, you walked to meet Jonathan and Master Zeppeli at the waterfall. 


"Hello Jonathan," you breathed with a smile, your umbrella opened. He was the only one who could make your now undead beating heart alive once more.

Both Zeppeli and Jonathan were standing in the water as they trained. At the sound of your voice, Jonathan turned. 

"(Y/N)," he greeted, returning the smile. "I'm glad you got my letter. I was afraid you wouldn't respond, as we were supposed to meet up a week ago and you were a no show, but I'm happy to see your face."

You giggled happily, careful not to show your fangs. You looked at the man with the top hat and white suit. "You must be Master Zeppeli."

"Ah, Miss (Y/N) (L/N). I've heard many things about you from Jojo here," he said, a polite grin on his face as you two shook hands. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Baron," Jonathan said, "would you mind if I take a break from training to speak with (Y/N) here? There are a few things I would like her to know."

"Very well," he responded, "just don't take too long. We have much to do."

With that answer, Jonathan took your hand and led you a bit away from Zeppeli. 

"Jojo, what is this about?" you questioned. 

"(Y/N), I'm going to be very straight forward and honest, so I apologize if this hurts to hear, but when you confessed your love to me, I had the full intention to reject those feelings," Jonathan explained, "however, after everything that has happened, I seemingly have fallen for you, as you have for me."

You were ready to cry. All this time worrying about what he'd say no longer plagued your mind. "What about Erina? I know you two were very close as children. Would she be okay with... us?"

"It's kind of you to think of her, but you needn't worry," Jonathan clarified. "She's actually the one who helped me realize these feelings for you and urged me to confess."

You were so happy, you couldn't help but hug him. Then, he kissed you, his large hand on your soft cheek. His lips, tender, yet soft all at the same time. 

When he pulled away, he was blushing. He chuckled, "I should probably return to Master Zeppeli. Feel free to watch us train."

You put your hands on your hips. "You sure I won't be a distraction?"

"I can't say," he answered. "At least not at this moment."

As Jonathan returned to Zeppeli, you sat on the edge of the water watching it all happen from a distance. Soon enough, two minutes turned into two hours, then five, and you three sat on the bridge. 

"The mask and Hamon are two sides of the same coin," Zeppeli explained.

"Makes sense," you commented. "Hamon is the flow of blood, right? That's what I've been hearing? The mask makes people feed off the blood of others..." 

"We can overload Dio with what keeps him animated," Jonathan suggested. 

"Correct, both of you," Zeppeli responded. "With enough Hamon energy, Dio will burst asunder. That is because its waves are like the shine from the sun and thus, the bane of all vampires!

You inhaled and moved a good foot away from Jonathan and Zeppeli.

"(Y/N)?" Jonathan questioned. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just..." you shuffled awkwardly. "I'm fine."

The baron raised a brow. "I think I may know."

You bit your lip. "Y-You do?"

"Of course," you grinned. "You want to learn Hamon! Just like Jojo here!" He laughed, walking over to you to mess up your hair a bit. 

"That's not it," you confessed. You had to think of an excuse quickly. "It's just that... the thought of vampires--it's terrifying, y'know? Everything we've experienced; it's right out of a storybook!" 

You felt a hand on your shoulder. It was a familiar feeling. "Jojo..." You turned and hugged him. 

"It's alright, (Y/N), I'll protect you. I'll learn Hamon and we won't have to worry about Dio and those fiendish creatures anymore."

You gripped his shirt. If only he knew...

-end of chapter nine

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now