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To the shock of no one, Jonathan managed to catch the young thief

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To the shock of no one, Jonathan managed to catch the young thief. 

You tipped your hat with a chuckle, "That's my Jojo."

You and Speedwagon made your way over to Baron Zeppeli and Jonathan as the boy began speaking. 

"What happened?" he asked. "The rocks... they shocked me!"

"Are you alright?" Jonathan questioned. "I'm surprised you aren't hurt."

"It seems we were meant to give chance," Zeppeli commented as the sun went down. 

"We're in a graveyard," you said. You watched as two undead hands came from the ground and grabbed onto Jonathan's legs. "Jojo, look out!" Soon, you felt one wrapped around your ankles. "A graveyard, at NIGHT? Really!? This seems too coincidental to be an accident."

"I believe that boy might've been hypnotized and lured us here," Zeppeli theorized, also stuck to the ground due to the living corpses' hands. 

"But, he's just a lad!" you responded, fighting against the restraint of the zombie. "How could--"

"He's here!" Speedwagon cut off.

Confused, you looked upon the cliffs. There he was, Dio, standing with only the moon's reflection of the sun giving him the spotlight he needed to match his dramatic stance. 

"The sun is gone, (Y/N)," you heard him say, "there is no more need for that hat of yours..."

"What's he on about, (Y/N)?" Speedwagon concerningly asked. 

"I knew it was odd you always seemed to flinch when Hamon was brought up or would keep your distance in its use..." Zeppeli comment. You gulped, knowing the baron had finally put it all together, much to your dismay... "(Y/N) is a vampire."

If you could die from your heart-stopping, it would happen at this moment.

"That can't be true," Jonathan said. "It's impossible! Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" You put your head down in shame, no answer. "... (Y/N)?"

Dio laughed. "You're all so foolish." 

His undead hoard finally crawled out from their graves, snarling as they stood on the ground outside of their holes. You kicked the one at your ankles in the face, giving yourself time to rush towards Speedwagon. He took a step back away from you. 

"I feel the grim reaper breathin' down me neck," he shook. "How can I find my courage?"

"Speedwagon," you gently spoke. "Are you... afraid of me, too? Do you think I work for Dio? Cause it's not true! I did this for us! You, Jonathan, Zeppeli... my vampiric powers give us the equal playing field we need in a situation like this!"

"I can never be afraid of you, (Y/N)," he responded, "and I know Jonathan feels the same way, too! Even Baron Zeppeli! We know you too well to think you'd ever join that monster."

You cried and hugged Speedwagon.

"Alright," you sniffed, pulling away to dry your eyes, "let's make that fiend pay for his crimes against the Joestars!"

You two ran towards Jonathan and Baron Zeppeli.

"Poco, hang on tight, it's time for us to go," Jonathan spoke in his gentle tone that made your heart melt, even in time in these. 

With the boy you now learned to be named "Poco" on Jonathan's back, he and the baron punched their way through the zombie mob.

"I've been so afraid to use these abilities, but I suppose now is a good time as any to try them out!" you yelled before using your Space Ripper Stingy Eyes to take out multiple zombies at once. You blinked afterward to get the extra fluid left over out of your eyes. 

"Wow!" Poco gasped. 

You looked at Zeppeli and Jonathan and shrugged with a grin. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but hey, look at the positives, I'm on your side!" 

Zeppeli nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Dio. "So, you're the infamous Dio Brando. I've heard a lot from Speedwagon and Jojo. You may think you and (Y/N) are the same because of what the mask has given you, but that is far from the truth. While the mask gave her the ability to protect the ones she loves in return for her humanity, you, on the other hand, have been filled with nothing but evil. What good was in you before the mask, if there was any, to begin with, is gone." He formed a fist. "I will break you and the mask once and for all."

Dio didn't respond, instead, he only snarled. Zeppeli snapped his fingers, "Don't act cocky just because you are out of harm's way. Come and fight, coward."

"How dare you, an insect, address me, the pinnacle of creation, in such a way that is less than a god among men!" He created a wind, causing the Baron to almost be pushed to the ground.

"A blast of pure hate," Zeppeli grunted. "He has the soul of a tyrant."

"Relinquish your blood to me," Dio spoke to him, lifting his sure to reveal large scars on his torso. "You'll help heal these imperfections of mine."

"How many innocent lives have you taken to undo your injuries?" you spoke in disbelief. It was still ludicrous to you to think that someone you saw frequently with Jonathan would have the power and courage to play god by bringing life back to the dead and ending the lives of the living.

"I should ask you the same thing, (Y/N)," he grinned. "You expect me to believe you've never once killed someone who didn't deserve it just to heal yourself?"

"Yes!" you responded. "I've been with Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Zeppeli for too long! They've never once seen me attack a person who did nothing wrong."

"What about those days after you got your powers?" he asked, a deep and evil chuckle following after. "I know you didn't return to Jonathan's side right away. You didn't get... curious?"

You stood your ground, maintaining eye contact to show the men you traveled with you were not lying. "Not once. It's just not in my nature to attack someone who has done nothing but be alive. Now, answer my question--How. Many. People?"

-end of chapter twelve

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