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The moon was large and bright when you opened your eyes

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The moon was large and bright when you opened your eyes. You heard crickets outside the window and cold winter breeze blew into your dorm. With a shiver, you lifted yourself off the mattress and closed it. 

"So much for getting there before dark," you said to yourself. You opened your wardrobe to take out a jacket. Not only did it match the color of your dress, but it fits snuggly onto your torso. Since it was snowing outside, you tied a black bonnet with white trimming onto your head, grabbed a pair of elegant black gloves, and made your way out the door. 

As the heels of your boots clicked against the concrete, you forced yourself to walk faster and faster with each step. Though you were an Ogre Street girl born and raised, the fear of Jack the Ripper decided it to be you who would be his next victim plagued your mind like a disease. You shouldn't have gone out here alone and at night, you shouldn't have slept, you should have gotten there before nightfall so you wouldn't be stuck in this situation.

As you came around the corner towards Ogre Street, you heard grunts and loud talking as if there was a fight. You rushed over as fast as you could, not recognizing the two familiar voices in the commotion. Lucky for you, growing up in the slums, you always knew to keep a knife on you for protection. You dug it out of your pocket as you reached the location of the tussle.

Low and behold, it was Jonathan and Speedwagon—the two people you cared for the most in this lonely, ruthless world.

"Jonathan?" you spoke softly. You looked at the injured Speedwagon.

"(Y/N)," they both said. 

You pointed the knife at Jonathan, your hand shaking as you stepped forward. "That man lying in the snow with injuries no doubt inflicted by you is a good friend of mine. You may know how I feel about you, Jonathan Joestar, but I will not hesitate to make you bleed to--"

"(Y/N)," Speedwagon called out. You turned to see him standing once more. "This man... he is a gentleman. I refuse anymore harm to come to him--if I was even able to inflict at all."

You rushed over, dropping the small blade in the snow, and wrapping your arms around him. "My heart may romantically long for Jonathan, but I've known you my whole life, so your safety and well being is a priority of mine. I'm so sorry I'm late, I could have been there to stop you two."

"Wait..." Speedwagon pushed you back gently, "... is he?"

"Yes," you nodded, looking at him, then back at Speedwagon, "he's the man I was speaking of back in the library."

"By golly, you sure did pick a strong one!" Speedwagon grinned. 

A smile on your face, you turned to Jonathan, brushing hair behind your ear and your cheeks blushing. "Hello, Jonathan."

"(Y/N), I'm surprised to see you here," he spoke, still out of breath from the fight. "You said you've known Mr. Speedwagon your whole life? I would have never guessed someone so intelligent as yourself would come from Ogre Street."

"Would you have expected someone without intellect?" you questioned, crossing your arms with a smirk.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I apologize," Jonathan stumbled. "I was just expressing how impressed I am that you managed to get yourself out of the slums to get a better life. Forgive me--I meant no insult."

You chuckled. "Do not worry, Jonathan, I take no offense."

"Please, call me Jojo." He bowed his head slightly out of politeness. 

"Hmm... Jonathan... Jojo..." you moved your head side to side. "I like the sound of that."

"The question remains, however," Speedwagon added. "What is your business here on Ogre Street, Mr. Joestar."


An intoxicated Dio Brando wandered the cold, dead London streets with a liquor bottle in one hand and the stone mask that belonged to Lady Joestar in the other. He had nowhere to go with only the light reflecting off the moon giving him a visible path. With another swig, he bumped right into two drunken old men.

"Watch where you're going!" one growled. 

"Don't ye have respect for ya elders, boy!?" the other hissed

Looking at the two men, realization struck. He was turning into his father--drinking until the sunrise in the morning. But, he didn't have to worry about turning into that awful old man any longer, as he did not need to drink his frustration away; he could finally put his plan into action. 

"I guess now's the best time as any to test this thing out." Turning the bottle upside down, he smashed it upside the head of one of the men, causing him to fall, bleeding and unconscious. Then, taking some of that blood in the same hand as the mask, he forced it onto the other. It wasn't long before the now masked stranger was screaming in agony, falling to his knees from the pain. 

Dio smirked down at him. "Not so tough, now, are you?" As he turned to leave his victims, he felt a hand on his shoulder. A quick look and Dio could see the man with the mask was no longer a man at all--in fact, the most human thing about him was how undead he looked!

"That mask... it didn't kill him..."

-end of chapter four

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now