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It was a terrifying sight to see, you know? A corpse laying on the hardwood floor in a pool of crimson, his head rolling into the darkness

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It was a terrifying sight to see, you know? A corpse laying on the hardwood floor in a pool of crimson, his head rolling into the darkness. Lightning struck, revealing Dio hanging upside down from the broken window.

"Jojo," he grinned, vampire-like fangs showing in his rows of teeth. He jumped down, right over the corpse of the inspector.

"He's alive!?" Speedwagon gasped. "That--That should be impossible!"

"He's armed!" you warned.

Jonathan grabbed a gun from one of the policemen and pointed it at Dio. "Come no closer!" His hand was shaking.

"Shoot him!" you begged Jonathan. Yet, he couldn't.

"Apologies, Jojo!" you yelled, taking the gun and shooting for him. At the same time, Speedwagon shot his gun as well. While your bullet only ripped the shirt he wore on his shoulder, Speedwagon managed to get Dio in the forehead. But that didn't stop him.

"This doesn't make any sense!" a frustrated Speedwagon remarked.

"Your father's blood and your mother's mask were much help in receiving this newfound power!" exclaimed Dio. "And since I can't thank them, I'll thank you!"

With a hiss, Dio proceeded to stick his fingers in the head of a policeman, absorbing him of all his blood. You gulped, "I've seen people die, but watching a man's life source quite literally be sucked out of him is difficult to watch..."

"You've become a monster, Dio!" shouted Jonathan.

He sighed, throwing the dead policeman at the remaining other two. The ripped off with such power, they shot back and injured Speedwagon. Sick of this, Jonathan walked over to a suit of armor and removed the spear.

"Jojo, you can't! He'll kill you!" you warned.

"He killed them coppers like they was nothin'! What makes you think he won't do the same to you!?" Speedwagon questioned.

"I know about all you two are warning me about," Jonathan spoke, "and yet, despite my fears, I am prepared to annihilate him. He's no longer human--he's a demon."

"We're begging you, Jojo, don't do it!" Speedwagon said, flinching due to his wounds. You took off your jacket, bending down next to him, and ripped the sleeve off. You did your best to cover his wounds.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Speedwagon stuttered. You turned to see one of the policemen rising from the dead. You stood up and threw your knife at him. The blade went into his face, stumbling back. With the spear, Jonathan decapitated him, making sure he stayed dead.

"We make a good team," you smiled, a bit too happy for the seriousness of the events happening right then at that moment.

Taking this moment, Dio fell from the ceiling, ready to kill Jonathan, but he held up the spear. It went right through Dio's hand, but he didn't flinch--as if nothing had penetrated the skin or no blood was dripping out from the injury. In fact, Dio was smiling!

"The bullet hole where I shot him!" Speedwagon pointed out.

"It's--It's been healed!" you commented. "He's become... immortal. Nothing is going to hurt him."

"Jojo, you're nothing but a weakling," Dio said, taking the spear and stabbing it into Jonathan's shoulder. He fell back with a gasp as blood shot out.

"NO!" you yelled, rushing over.

"(Y/N), I am once again showing my kindness to you--leave. None of this concerns you. This insect brother of mine needs to stand so I may gauge the full extent of my powers."

You stared him down. "I'd never leave, Jojo--not in this state."

"Then so be it!" He picked you up by the shoulders and threw you to the side, falling near the other side of the room. Dio turned back to see Jonathan had gone somewhere--hiding or running away, Dio hadn't an idea. He smelled the air and followed Jonathan's bloody scent behind a curtain. Once it was pulled back, flames erupted and it wasn't long before the room was filled with fire.

"No one's immortal," Jonathan said, an injured Speedwagon right beside him. You stood up with shaky legs, your arm wrapped around your torso filled with pain.

"Yet he heals faster than we can hurt him," Speedwagon said.

"But the fire is his weakness. It may not be enough, but it's a start!"

"Jojo!" you called out into the fire. You limped forward, having to pull off your bonnet from it catching into flames. You had forgotten it was still on your head until you felt the heat.

"Speedwagon, get yourself, and (Y/N) to safety!" Jonathan commanded, pushing Speedwagon out of the way as Dio threw a candlestick towards them. "Dio wants a fight and it will be I who will fulfill his wish."

You stumbled towards Speedwagon as Jonathan climbed to the towards the ceiling.

"He'll get stuck up there!" you clutched. "He's mad!"

You both watched as Jonathan taunted Dio. "I refuse to let you leave this mansion alive!"

"Jojo, no!" Speedwagon yelled.

There was a large explosion of flames, sending you and Speedwagon through the wall and landing into the fountain outside. It was raining outside, so the small infernos scorching your clothing were quickly put out.

You both were quick to watch the blaze engulf the Joestar manor. It felt like hours, but soon, Jonathan fell from the structure, a blast of embers falling with him. You and Speedwagon rushed over.

"It's been done," he managed to struggle.

"You're alive!" exclaimed Speedwagon.

You smiled, wiping your tears and helping him sit up. "I can't believe you're alive, Jojo. You did it. Dio is no more."

It was a bittersweet evening that night, the scent of rain and burning wood filling the air to replace all that Jonathan had lost.

-end of chapter six

Trickle Down Red - A Jonathan Joestar x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now