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"To question such a thing would be as if I were to ask you how many loaves of bread you've consumed in your lifetime," Dio spoke

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"To question such a thing would be as if I were to ask you how many loaves of bread you've consumed in your lifetime," Dio spoke.

"You're a monster," you breathed.

"If I am what you say..." he laughed deeply, "then you are too. After all, aren't you and I the same?"

"You shut your mouth, Dio!" Jonathan shouted. "How dare you compare my (Y/N) to yourself! You slimy, no good--"

Baron Zeppeli put his arm out in front of Jonathan to make him stop.

"What're you doing, baron?" you asked inquisitively.

"I will be the one to take him on," he explained.

You gasped. "But, baron, you can't! He's too dangerous!"

Zeppeli, however, ignored you. Using his Hamon, he jumped up the rocks. "Your doom is nigh, Dio!"

You, Jonathan, and Speedwagon gasped as Zeppeli shot his arm at Dio, but he put his palm up in defense. Zeppeli then used his Solar Hamon to attack Dio with sunlight yellow overdrive.

You grinned. "Yeah, Zeppeli! You got 'im!"

"He did it," Jonathan laughed in delight, grabbing your hand in joy. "We're going to defeat Dio once and for all!" 

Your eyes full of love, you stared into his own and leaned in for a kiss, but Jonathan turned away before he could see you do so. You frowned and continued to watch the fight. 

The Hamon traveled up Dio's arm, but instead of it turning him into dust, he froze his arm and grabbed hold of Zeppeli's fist, which froze instantly. The ice made its way onto Zeppeli.

"No!" you shouted as the ice shattered, causing the baron to bleed. "Can't he use Hamon or something, Jojo?"

"You can't use Hamon without blood flow," he explained with his eyes locked on his brother and master and his body full of worry. "So when the blood in his veins become ice--"

"--it renders his attacks powerless," you finished, biting your lip and gripping Jonathan's hands tighter.

Dio went in for a punch, but Zeppli lunged in with his hand at the same time. Suddenly, you felt Jonathan's hand slip out of yours as he ran towards the two.

"Jojo!" you called out.

Jonathan put his hand in between both Zeppeli and Dio, Poco still on his back.

"Ugh, that brave moron... You best not get yourself killed, love!" Using your vampire agility, you made your way up the stones to get to where Poco, Jonathan, Zeppeli, and Dio all were.

"Here and now, I will be the one to end your reign of terror!" Jonathan shouted.

"Oh, Jonathan! You do have me trembling in my boots!" Dio couldn't help but laugh. "Your block may have been excellent, so your mentor may live for now. Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you. Same with you, (Y/N). I didn't expect you to follow Jojo up here."

"I'd never leave his side," you spoke. "Especially when you still walk this Earth. I will not rest until you are gone and if I die before you are defeated, I'll make sure my descendants spend all their extra time tracking you down, regardless if I'm involved in their upbringing or not."

"How noble of you," Dio narrowed his eyes. "It makes a man want to rip out his stomach from how sweet that is, truly." You, Zeppeli, and Jonathan all looked at each other. "Tis a shame the more I see your face and the more I hear your voice, the angrier I get from you and Jonathan countlessly cutting into my plans."

"Now!" the three of you all shouted in unison.

"Your efforts are useless!" Dio scolded.

You stepped back as Jonathan and Zeppeli used their Hamon on Dio, who froze his arm once more. They were at a standstill. When you saw blood come from Jonathan's hands, your eyes widened--you had to do something. You ran forward towards Dio, ready to attack.

Dio looked at you, furious. "You don't deserve your power!"

"Neither do you!" you hissed

This was enough of a distraction for Zeppeli to kick Dio as a surprise attack, but that was found to be too little in regards to taking him down by surprise, as Dio saw and sent his fingers into and through the baron's leg.

"Baron Zeppeli!" Jonathan called out in worry that his master was wounded. But he couldn't do much, as Dio sent Jonathan flying with a punch shortly after. The two fell off the cliff with a scream.

You looked at Dio, then to Jonathan and Zeppeli, then back at Dio.

"Make your choice, (Y/N)," Dio said. "Attack me or save your friends."

He was right--you couldn't do both. You hissed at him, jumping down. You landed as Speedwagon quickly ran over just in time to catch Poco. 

"Thank God you have them fancy vampire powers now," he chuckled in relief. "I don't know if I would be able to catch you both!"

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm not here to be caught," you smiled as Jonathan landed in your hands. "I'm here to catch." You put him down and quickly jumped up to kiss your cheek. "I hope that returns the favor."

But you weren't done yet. You quickly ran over as Zeppeli fell. You weren't able to catch him fully, but you were able to prevent him from landing in the dirt. When everyone was safe, Jonathan looked at his hand.

"It feels like ice!" he gasped. "Every nerve inside it is in pain! The skin on my fingers is peeling off, too!"

You walked over and held it in your own hands. "It seems he's removed all the moisture." You looked over at Poco, Speedwagon, and Zeppeli. "Speedwagon, how's the baron's arm?"

"It's looking pretty bad, too," he answered. "If we don't get blood in his arm moving soon, gangrene will infect it."

You sighed, "I wish these powers would allow me to heal others instead of myself." You formed fists. 

"Don't fault yourself, (Y/N)," Jonathan comforted, putting his good hand on your shoulder. "You do what you can--that's all we ask for and you do it well."

"We'll figure out something..." you smiled up at him sadly. "I love you, Jonathan Joestar. I hope you hear your comforting words every day for the rest of my life."

"I--" before Jonathan could respond, Dio interrupted. 

"You should save your breath." 

Rocks began to rumble. 

-end of chapter thirteen

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