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"(Y/N) (L/N) lived as she died--fighting for her survival right next to her friends

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"(Y/N) (L/N) lived as she died--fighting for her survival right next to her friends."

It was raining, the sky grey instead of blue and the clouds were pushed together so it was hard to see the sun. Jonathan Joestar stood in his suit with an umbrella in his left hand beside his good friend, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, also dressed in a suit and umbrella in hand. Underneath Jonathan's umbrella was Erina Pendleton, with her makeup either running from sorrow or the rain and dressed in mourning clothes. Though she and (Y/N) never spoke much, they considered one another their friend.

The priest stood behind the tombstone and the freshly dug grave which (Y/N)'s empty coffin dangled above, the two gravediggers ready to lower the casket in at any moment. The three funeral attendees stared at the coffin, finding it hard to listen to the old greying man.

"(Y/N) had no immediate family--her father was unknown, her brother had died in the war, and her mother, a prostitute, was killed by Jack the Ripper. It was said her mother was with a baby girl, too, but the child was never found. The closest she had to family was her childhood friend, Robert E.O Speedwagon, her lover, Jonathan Joestar, and friend, Erina Pendleton." They also happened to be the ones who threw the ceremony.

Of course, Poco and his sister were there, too. They stood behind the group of three with Poco crying and having his sister comfort him.

"This just goes to show, Poco, no matter who you meet... you never know how long you'll know them or how sudden they'll go..." Poco's sister told her brother, putting her arm around him. She wanted to know (Y/N), as she had helped save her, but she never got the chance.

Straizo was even there, standing separate from the three and the siblings. He didn't say much, but he did help with the funeral.

Jonathan, on a whim, looked up. Near the edge of the graveyard, right under a weeping willow tree and watching the service from a distance was a family--one woman, one man, and their son, assumedly, but he looked nothing like them. It was quite odd, as he did not recognize them, so Jonathan put his head back down and his thoughts to himself.

"For those who wish to pay their respects, you may do so now," the priest explained.

Jonathan and Erina went at the same time since they shared an umbrella, but it was Erina who spoke first. The grave diggers opened the coffin, revealing the white satin interior filled with nothing except a necklace--the last one she ever wore a human before being turned. It was a black ribbon with an aquamarine stone and gold border. They didn't know it, but the spirit of (Y/N) knew... and she was happy.

"You were a kind soul," Erina whispered to the casket. "I have more to say than just that but..." she looked at Jonathan, then back at the grave. "... it is best spoken alone."

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