Book 2: Not Dead Yet (Sample Preview)

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It had been years since Robert E

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It had been years since Robert E. O. Speedwagon last took steps on Ogre Street. It still had that same, strange scent that followed him everywhere as a child. It was a mix of mildew, urine, and dirty sewage water with a hint of gutter rain and blood.

This was just a quick stop for nostalgia's sake since he had to walk past it to get to the hospital. Though he wasn't related to the Joestars, he was a family friend, and thus was welcomed with open arms as an uncle.

Speedwagon turned the street corner to see a familiar porch. Memories began flooding back...

"Robert! Robert, look! George sent me a gift from his battalion's base near France!" his childhood best friend gushed about her brother.

"Wow, that's so cool!" he gawked, looking at the lace. "What--What is it, though...?"

"It's lace, obviously!" she rolled her eyes. "In his letter, he told me that since I am becoming a lady, I should use it to tie down my hat when I walk out in public."

Despite the fact she wore no such thing atop her head, she tied down her (H/C) hair anyway and smiled proudly, putting her fists on her hips.

Smiling at the recollection, Speedwagon didn't notice the young girl sitting on the side of the road until he tripped over her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, young lady," he apologized. "Are you alright?"

The filthy child, who couldn't have been more than three, stared off into nothing. She blinked her tired eyes, sniffling, then rubbing her nose. He couldn't help but feel like he'd met the girl before.

Knowing something was wrong, he crouched down beside her, "Hey, what's your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)," she answered finally, still not returning her gaze from the road ahead.

Speedwagon was taken back by surprise. But, something clicked in his head. That's why she was so familiar! He was suddenly more concerned than before, "Where is your father? Agustus, was his name?"

She nodded, confirming his theory. "He died." She was quite blunt about it but was saddened by having to say it nonetheless. She hugged her knees. "Papa had an illness ever since he was a kid. He coughed all the time, more often than not with blood. He died recently..."

"How recently?"

"A week, maybe more...? I-I can't remember..." she started crying and holding her head as if it hurt her.

"Can you remember why you're here?" Speedwagon opened his satchel and handed her a canteen filled with water. She snatched it up quickly and drank it down just as fast.

When it was empty, she handed it back and dried her lips off with her hand, "I'm waiting for Mama. She told me to stay here while she got more whiskey... or was it rum? Actually, I think it was gin? That's her favorite..."

Speedwagon gave (Y/N) a kind smile. He offered his hand to her, "Why don't you come with me? We'll give you some food and if we can't find your mother, you can stay with me. Does that sound good?"

She was hesitant to grab his hand, even flinching at the sight. But, after studying it for a moment or two, she nodded and put her small hand in his large one. Since her legs were so shaky when she stood, Speedwagon held her other hand to help her regain feeling in them. Once she was able to walk without the assistance of two hands, Speedwagon took her to a nearby restaurant to give the child some dinner. Who knew when the last time she ate was?

 Who knew when the last time she ate was?

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