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'She was a wild one; always stomping on eggshells that everyone else tip-toed on.'


"You knocked him out!?"

"I panicked! I didn't know what else to do! He was being uncooperative!"

"As, you couldn't just explain where you were taking him?"

"What was I supposed to say, 'Hey can you just hop in this mysterious portal that will take you to an abandoned warehouse were three women live?'"

"No, I agree with her. That would have been hard to explain."

"Argh! Well what you we supposed to do with him while he's past out?"

"Oh! Wait I think he's waking up!"

Warren woke up with his back laying on something soft. He squinted as he opened his eyes. Taking in his surroundings, he saw that he was in what looked like to be an abandoned warehouse. Light was coming in from the side that covered the upper parts of the side walls, big beams went from wall to wall, and the cold concrete floor.

One of the walls toward the wall had a dark blue tapestry on the wall with a black chair poof and books stacked high. On the other side was a orange and tan divider sectioning off that corner so he couldn't see what so over there but he assumed another makeshift room.

Leaning his head back on the soft white pillow under his head, he could see a large  thick piece of wood that stretched across to of the beams with rope ladder handing down.

"Oh so you are wake!" Looking to his right he saw someone that looked very familiar. She was a young woman, 21 or 22, with pale skin, some little birthmarks on her face, and a button nose. Her lips were full and looked to be stained blood red. Her hair was pure white, bushy and puffed with thin bangs curled on her forehead. What was most intriguing about the woman was her eyes.

Her eyes were crimson red in a crisscross formation with no pupils. Like the devils. Her lashes were thick and black. There were red markings above her eye, on her eyelid that was permanently on her skin but looked like makeup, not that Warren knew much about it. She was also smiling at him, showing off the sharp, fang like teeth she had.

It was the woman that kidnapped him.

She was sitting on her legs, them tucked under her butt. Too close for his liking. He tried to get up faster but the pain in his left wing stopped him. Then him remembered what had happened. The fight, the electric fence, the damned one devil, the blood and guns, her hitting him on the back of the head.

"Who are you and what am I doing here?" He asked, trying to stay calm as the pain from standing up started to subside but he was still gripping onto one of the metal posts that went to the ceiling.

"I apologize for what Asura did. I'm Salem," A woman who looked a little older than the white haired girl, maybe by a year or two, had dark skin, curly dark brown hair that was cut into a pixie cut and shaved on the sides. Her eyes matched her hair in color. She had on a dark blue sweater and light blue jeans on with the sweater tucked in a little.

"That's Quinn over there." She pointed over to where the divider was and there sat another woman, leaning against the thin wall spacer. She had brown hair with two strips of bleached blonde hair in the front. Her orangey brown eyes, that looked a little like caramel, were focused on her nails, which she was painting black at the moment. She only lifted her hand in greeting, not even bothering to look up at them.

"And you have met Asura." So that's the white haired ones name. She smiled brightly at him and waved at him a little before putting her hand back down. "And shes sorry that she unintentionally "kidnapped" you."

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now