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'She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her.'


Age 10:
"We have to put her in public school! The neighbors keep asking where she is, they probably think we've killed her or something!"

"Fine! But she can not go out like that! Just think of how much that will ruin our reputation if they knew she was one of them!"

Little Asura stood outside her parents room with her parents room, her shoulder length white hair bouncing as she bobbed on the heels of her shoes. She had never gone outside before only occasionally in the backyard but her mother always said that the neighbors could see her and that was bad.

She always knew she was different. She was born with white hair and red eyes but she thought that some people were just like that and she got the short end of the stick. Her parents didn't let anyone see her since she was born and family didn't treat her like their daughter even! Her older brothers hate her and pushed her when she tried to play with them until she gave up and her mother didn't let her called her Mommy or even Mother, it was always Madam or Mrs. Same with her father but calling him Sir or Mr.

When her mother called her to the little bathroom at the end of the hallway, she jogged over a sat on to stool in front the the mirror and her mother. She didn't ask what was happening in fear of being punished for talking back so, she let her her mother pour to black shampoo-like liquid on her head.


"See, now you look normal!" Her mother said with false happiness as she knew the real Asura under all this.

Her once pure white hair was now pitch black and a red cloth was covering her eyes, thin enough so she could see but no one could see her red eyes. She hated it. She liked being unique. It was something special about her so that she didn't fall in line with her horrible family.

But she put on a fake smile like she had been doing her whole life around her family and said, "Yes, thank you Mrs." Making sure not to call her Mother. That would only result in her getting hurt.

Age: 15

"Well done, San53. You've done well." The dreaded mans voice said as Asura created to last blood spike from the ground, killing the last test victim. This had been her life for the last 3 years. Training, experiments, killing, and more experiments. Experiments to make her the perfect mutant assassin. To make her the perfect killing machine.

Two of the same guards that were always here to gather her after training walked over. One of them clasped to large industrial handcuffs on her behind her back while the other put a muzzle around her mouth so that she didn't try to escape by biting someone.

Her hair had grown considerably over the last 3 years so her natural white hair had grown out from her roots and was still black on the bottom. Her red crisscrossed eyes were shown and has black bags under them from lack of sleep. She hadn't smiled in years, she didn't even know if she could anymore.

"Get her in a couple of hours for more testing." The old mans voice said as the two large men dragged her out and walked her to her cell. Once she was thrown in, her back hit the wall and she slumped down it.

As the guards walked away, she heard one of them say, "Freak." which the other laughed at. She was panting slightly from exhaustion but she knew that they would hurt her if she showed weakness. They would only fix that until she was perfect.

Asura promised herself that she would get out of here. Not back to the wretched house, not back to her cell, anywhere she wanted.

Age 17:

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now