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'She was one of those girls who breathed fire when confronted but loved so gently that it made you forget that she could'


As a brown haired girl stepped out of the yellow cab she had rode in, she looked at the building in front of her. Broken windows, the smell of alcohol and smoke that could be smelled from miles, and shouting could be heard coming from the inside.

Her outfit consisted of a short black dress that looked like three different pieces of black fabric. They were wrapped around her shoulders, breasts, and middle with a black skirt. Lace between all the pieces so that it connected. It showed everything off nicely and her arms were exposed, just like she liked it. Black combat boot like heels were her choice of footwear, the grips on the bottom made her taller and more movable.

The woman walked into the shady looking building, only to be hit with the overwhelming smell of the alcohol and smoke that she had smelled before. But not only that, but also the smell that she knew all too familiarly. Blood. The shouting made her heightened senses give her a headache, but she powered through.

She made her way to the front, ending up stealing the beer from one of the patrons that was distracted talking to one of the other girls with big hair. People waved dollar bills in the air and shouted as the watched the fight. It was totally barbaric but nothing that the brown haired woman hadn't seen before.

"Your first time here, darling?" A deep voice said to her right. Looking at him, she saw that he was a very large man that had tattoos covering his arms, a thick accent and a bald head that shined in to fluorescent dim lights. He didn't look to be the nicest, from his black leather jacket but then again he was also in a place like this.

She gave him a closed mouth smile and nodded, knowing that if she were to smile and even talk that she would give anyway who and what she was. She looked at him for a second, inspecting him as if she was making evaluation, through her black tinted sunglasses as to not give away her true eye color.

He went to talk again, probably to try a offensive and/or terrible pick up line on her back a large thud stopped him and gain his attention. A large, very chubby man fell to the ground, dead no doubt. She had no idea what ability he had had but still felt sorry that something this kind of place still existed in the world.

The crowd seemed ecstatic that the other mutant had won as they cheered and clapped for them. That's when she decided to take a good look at him. She couldn't see his face since he was turned the other way but she could still see him. He had curly blonde hair that seemed to bounce when he moved, he was wearing a black leather jacket with metal spiked on the shoulders.

The thing that stood out to her was his mutation. He had large white wings that were tattered and spotted with blood, sweat, and dirt. He most have been forced into these cage fights a lot. "Yeaaahhhh!" His wings were raised in victory as he had just won. As the German announcer announced his win, he turned his large wing and marked another tally on the ground with many others. Definitely not his first time. The announcer had called the blonde man 'Angel' which she could only assume to be in reference to his angel-like wings.

"Our next challenger comes straight from the Munich circus! The only one that could take on Angel is the Devil himself!"

The brown haired woman looked at the gate were some guys had dragged out the fat mutant before. Four men held a box as they walked into the entrance of the caged arena. As the announcer continued his introduction, the men un-clipped electrical wires off of the chest looking box. The winged mutant clapped his wings in anticipation

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now