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'It's hard to sleep when your heart is at war with your mind.'


They were alone. Oh god.

At least two times a week, Salem and Quinn went out to get food and or clothes, sometimes to just stretch theirs legs outside. Asura didn't go out with them much because they didn't have physical mutants like Asura did and most of the time she didn't want to out on a wig just to go out. It's a lot of work.

So instead, she cleaned and dusted the warehouse. Quinn didn't like cleaning, but oddly enough prefer doing laundry, and Salem got the sneezes when she dusts so Asura did it and actually liked it. She would also practice her climbing, she just likes to be up high, but Warren was up there. It wasn't that she didn't like Warren, she thought that he was nice but just had some walls up, she just didn't want to annoy him into leaving.

Asura tidied both hers and the girls corners as it made her feel good about helping out. The abandoned warehouse had broken windows, cracked floors, and a leaking ceiling but she loved it here. She and Quinn has been living here for three years and Salem two.

As she swiped the dusty floors she heard Warren, "Do you always do this when they leave?" She stopped her cleaning and looked up at the male mutant. He was perched on top of one of the metal beam, the same one he had been sleeping on. He hadn't moved unless to steal beers from Quinn, which she complained about but did nothing to stop it, and her stereo which was playing some kind of rock music.

His blonde curls were messier then usual which made Asura think that he must have just woken up, which made her wonder about how he could have this that loud music on. Warrens piercing lime green eyes peered down at her with curiosity and confusion as to why she would be doing such a tedious task when she could be doing anything else.

"Well, Quinn doesn't like cleaning unless it's dishes, which is weird, and Salem ends up sneezing a lot when she tries to dust so I do it while they're gone so they don't have to worry." She said as she smiled at him. Asura could tell that he was sleepy and maybe a little hungover so she didn't talk incredibly loudly. She had been dealing with Quinn's little drinking problem so she understood what to do and not to do.

It was silent for a second as Warren thought before blurting out, "Are you cleaning up here?" She looked at him surprise at the thought of mom allowing her into his 'room', even though it was barely that.

"Can I?" She asking looking up at him as those stupid doe eyes that made him say, "Go ahead."

The white haired woman smiled at him with stained lips before walking over to the ladder and climbing up, the dusters handle across her mouth as she was using her hands. When she got to the top, her own lower level, Asura cut a small mark in her ankle and stepped on air. Filling the empty air before, a cylinder blood crystal grew, acting like a step stool. This continued until she was standing on the beam next to Warren.

It was silent between the two of them as Asura continued to dust the windows, beams and poles with Warren watching her movements while sipping a beer. Almost in tranced. It was nice and calm.

When she finished, she turned to the other mutant and said, "Oh I finished! I guess I'll be getting out of your feathers." She giggles quietly at her joke as she sits down on one of the so she can slide off and jump.

Warren quickly intervened saying, "You are already up here. You might as well stay."

Asura looked at him with a curious looking her face but still smiled at him brighter then before and shrugged, "Is that alright?"

He only shrugged his shoulder as well and took and swig of the caramel colored beer bottle in his hand, "You were here first." He knew what he was referring to. Asura and the girls had been here, in the warehouse that they called home, for a longer time then he had. Warren had only been here for a week or two.

"Well that doesn't give you any less of a choice in privacy, as far as I'm concern." She said as she moved to sit across from the other mutant, her back against the metal poll behind her and her legs on either side of the same beam Warren sat on.

They didn't talk, just sat in comfortable silence. Warren was still drinking his beer when he thought of something, "Do you want one?" He asked gesturing to the bottle in his hand.

She looked at him with those big red eyes and said, "Well I can't get drunk, so I've never had one."

The other was very surprised by her confession and said, "You can't get drunk? So you've never had a beer before, or any alcohol before?"

She shook her head, "Nope. But I have seen Salem and Quinn drink it, mostly Quinn," Asura's head was tilted to the side before it popped up and she continued, "What does it taste like?"

Warren chuckled at the small woman's expression and held out his bottle to her, not wanting to waste a bottle in case she didn't like it. "Here. Try it."

She cautiously reached out for the bottle but didn't touch it before saying, "Really?" As she was checking that this was ok.

"Go ahead."

She put it up to her lips and took a big sip. She reeled her head back automatically with big eyes as she was shocked. Not by the taste though.

Warren started to chuckle at the girl expression, laughing even hard when she said through her own chuckles, "The bubbles caught me off guard. It's good though!" She still held out his bottle to him as she giggles started to subside.

Still chuckling deeply, he grabbed an unopened bottle of his six pack. Warren pulls off the metal bottle cap with his wings talon and hands it to her. The two of them spend the rest of their time alone up in the raptors, talking about anything and everything, not even realizing that the other two woman had gotten home during the end of that time. And Warren maybe, just maybe, was starting to trust the red eyed woman and her chaos personality.

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now