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'I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.'


The large aircraft landed in the field outside of the abandoned warehouse. The outside of the building had holes, rust, and crumbling brick outside. The grass around was almost all dead with little to no flowers. Large rusted metal doors were pulled to the side by Hank with the help of Scott and Peter.

The inside was not like what you would expect. The inside was quite clean for a warehouse. The front part was normal, nothing expect a patterned couch that was off to the side. The whole place was just a big room with different sections. In the back was two open rooms in the corners of the warehouse. A blue patterned corner with drapes and stacks of different books. The other side wasn't visible from their point of view because of the orange and black wall divider but it looked very...burnt, for some reason.

They walked in cautiously, younger in the back. Their footsteps echoed throughout the seemingly empty building. The only lighting inside was the sunlight coming in through the windows on the second level and fairy lights that were strung up over a small platform that could be a third loft room.


There was a large explosion, only big enough to send them all on their backs and not destroy the building. "Who are you and what do you want?" A harsh female voice said from behind the cloud of smoke. The group of mutants groaned and went to stand up when they heard another voice. "Quinn, no! You can't just blow up people."

"It's not very polite." Another softer female voice said, closer than the others. As the smoke cleared, Jean could see a small figure in front of her. It was a woman, no more than 21-22. She had long poofy white hair and pale skin. Plump red tinted lips were pulled into a wide smile at the sight of the conscious girl. She was wearing a rainbow striped sweater with a white collar and a jean skirt that came just above her knees. Her eyes though. Her eyes, red eyes formed into a crisscross pattern with no pupil at all. The same eyes had saw in her visions of the end of the world.

The woman had her hand out to help her open and Jean took it. Once she was pulled up, she saw that everyone else was also starting to stand up as well. They looked at the other two women, studying them and what they looked like with curiosity.

The African woman with short, curly brown hair was wearing a simple but stylish pale yellow shirt with high-waisted jeans. The other with caramel eyes was wearing a black tube top and grey joggers with an oversized pale blue and orange flannel on top.

"Wait, I know you! Nightcrawler!" The white haired woman exclaimed excitedly as she looked at Kurt with enthusiasm. She recognized him. "How do vu-"

"It was you that night. At the cage fight. 'Just a friend', huh?" Raven said cooly as her arms were crossed with a small smirk on her face as she looked at the small woman. She only smiled cheekily and giggled at her. She looked around at the group of new people, like she was analyzing them

"They are mutants. Like us." The shorter woman said, making her friends turn to her and see her looking them with a dazed and curious gaze. She looked at Moira, studying her slightly before saying, "Not her. She's not a mutant but she's different. She's not like other humies."

Most of them looked at her confused as Scott scrunched his eyebrows and leaned to the side to whisper to Salem, the closest one to him, "Humies?"

"Humans." She whispered back, not taking her eyes off her friend. Scott nodded and leaned back to his original spot. Moira looked at the white haired mutant and smiled, holding out her hand to her. "My name is Moira, Moira MacTaggart." Asura looked at her hand before smiling back at her and take her hand. "I'm Asura! That's Salem." She pointed to the dark skinned woman who gave the human a small wave with a calm smile.

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now