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"She was never crazy. She just didn't her heart settle in a cage. She was born wild, and sometimes we need people like her. For it's the horrors in her heart which cause the flames in ours. And she was willing to burn for everything she loved.


Once the Angel of Mayhem were in the ruins of Cairo, Asura portaling her and Salem but Quinn just used her explosions the stop herself from hitting the ground to hard. Using the nitroglycerin that the dark haired woman was sweating, she blew up some of the already crumbling buildings to make as much noise as she could. To draw attention to the three women.

Suddenly lighting struck the ground near them and Quinn stopped. It worked. Looking over to the roof of one of the buildings, they saw a dark skinned woman with a white mohawk and sliver armor outfit. Her eyes were white as she looked down at the Angels with lighting emanating from her hands.

Quinn smirked and said, "Ohh, this is gonna be fun." Her hands were facing up at her sides as she let out a small explosion. She turned to Salem held out a hand to her. "Ready?" She asked which the dark haired woman nodded and took her hand. The two ran with their connected arms out outstretched, Quinn tighten her hold and swung her into the air,  just enough to make it on the roof. The pyromaniac followed after her, using her hands like rocket boosters.

Asura watched until her whole head popped up at the sound of roaring. She ran toward it and saw Hank fighting with a woman with black hair and a tight purple leotard with a purple energy sword as one hand and a katana in the other. She pulled one of her daggers from its holder on her thigh and cut her wrist. She poured the blood to the ground, making a portal and jumped in. Popping out again, she tackled the black haired woman to the ground, releasing Hank from the whip wrapped around his neck.

"Get to the pyramid!" Asura yelled to Jean, Scott and Hank who were standing off to the side. They were hesitant and leaving her alone there to deal with the woman but nodded and ran. The katana woman tried to go after them but Asura stood in her way, her red eyes daring her to try. The two women started to slowly circle each other, blades at the ready.

The woman looked at Asuras daggers, one in each hand and smirked. "I doubt that those puny knives are going to do anything to me." She gestured to her katana and purple energy that was now a matching weapon. "I obviously have the bigger weapon."

The white haired woman cocked her head to the side and said, "Oh but, they're not for you." She put a blade on the opposite wrists and swiftly pulled down, leaving two large gashes in her forearms. She folded her arms up in a 'X' formation and pulled down quickly, letting blood splatter onto the ground.

The blood spots grew at a tremendous rate into large red crystals, the force of which pushed back the other mutant and sent her into a wall. She staggered but got up none the less. But Asura happened to be faster than her, tackling her into a red portal that she opened behind the black haired woman.

They fell from the sky and onto the roof of one of the buildings. Asura had landed under the other mutant, which made the black haired woman smirk victoriously. The smaller of the two quickly rolled them over so she was on top and jumped back.

"I must admit, you're a worthy opponent but, you will not stop us." The black haired woman smirked as she raised her different swords once more. Asura only smiled at her and said, "Are you sure?" Before looking at the black haired mutants boots, making the other follow her gaze. Blood splatters covered her feet, making her eyes widen and with the flick of the white haired woman's wrist, the blood grew into large blood crystals, trapping her.

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now