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Thank you for all the love on this book! I love reading your comments and writing 'Angels of Mayhem!' Make sure to follow and vote on future stories. 💕

'Lioness (Sirius Black)' is already out! If you want to read the teaser then go over to 'His Hufflepuff' and check it out!

'Lioness (Sirius Black)' is already out! If you want to read the teaser then go over to 'His Hufflepuff' and check it out!

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'When Angels Fall (Peter Parker)' will out as soon as Lioness is done! Here is the teaser:

"He used to kill people, planet to planet, massacre by massacre. Like mine." Elara said quietly but the whole room heard her soft voice. She hadn't moved from her spot from one of Rockets tinkering tables except to get Thor something to eat and help the physical pain. Either than that, nothing.

In her hands was a gift that her father had given her the day he came and took her from her planet. A two sided knife with two blades that curved into two different ways. The gold handle encrusted with rose quartz gem in a spiral pattern. Perfectly balanced as he thinks all things should be.

"If he gets all six Infinity stones, he can do it with a snap of his fingers like this." Gamora continued for her, snapping her fingers once to show.

"You two seem to know about Thanos." Thor said into his bowl, not looking up at them. Elara looked at him with sympathy as she could feel waves of what he was feeling.

Drax spoke up and answered his question, "Elara and Gamora are the daughters of Thanos."

———'Smile (Wade Watts)' will be out after When Angels Fall! Here is the teaser:

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'Smile (Wade Watts)' will be out after When Angels Fall! Here is the teaser:

As Diaval and Parzival swayed and twirled through the air, the latter had his eyes focused on the girl. Her long black hair with black fur ear poking out, her golden yellow eyes that were currently closed as she danced and spun to the loud music of the club, the deep purple that hugged to her curves. She was amazing.

Parzival took her hand and twirled her to the music, making her giggle and smile wider. "So, I've been thinking-" He started awkwardly before being cut off by Diaval saying, "That's dangerous." with a slight giggle.

"What if we met up in the real world?" He said over the music as they danced and floated in the air like jellyfish. "You would be disappointed." She said to him nonchalantly as he dipped her before pulling her up.

"I wouldn't. I like you."

"You don't even know me." She said, her smile breaking slightly, "This isn't what I really look like. This isn't my real body. Or my real face. " He pulled her to his chest, her back to him.

"I don't care. I wanna know your real name." They held hands as they turned in the air, going higher and higher. She laughed loudly, not at him but from the rush of the loud music and feeling of floating.

They were so close. Her hands trailing from his chest, to his shoulder and up to the base of his neck. Diaval smiled at him softly which quickly went away in disbelief at what he said next.

"My name is Wade."


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~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now