~the end~

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'She wasn't afraid of my demons and I wasn't afraid of her madness. We saw beyond those things that life does to a person. And underneath it all there's a beautiful soul that just craved to be loved.'

9 years later

"We are not going to forget you, Honey. We are going to visit all the time." Asura assured Kai, her son. Warren and her started dating after the day they kissed and everything started there. They trained as X-Men but decided to resign and move out of the mansion after 2 years of living there. They moved out and got a place of there own.

After 3 years of being together, Warren proposed to Asura, which she said yes too. They got married in front of all their friends and Asura ended up pregnant after their Honeymoon. 9 months later came Kai Daniel Worthington. He had his fathers curly blonde hair, red eyes with pupils, unlike his mother, but got his mother's pale skin and small birthmarks.

When he turned 2, he started having signs of a mutation. Little red feathers started to poke out from his shoulder blades, the same thing that happened to Warren when he got his. They continued to grow until he had two large, for his size, wings that were blood red. As he got older, Warren and Asura learned that he could control, to a extent, his feathers like darts or heat seeking missiles. But soon it got a little out of control and they decided to take him to see everyone's favorite telepath, Charles. Which lends up to now..

"But-but.." Even Kai's almost six year old brain couldn't think of anything to make you stay.

"You don't want to come spend time with Aunty Sa?" A, almost angelic, voice said from behind the little boy, making him whip his head around and smile. Salem had decided to stay and live at the school, becoming a teacher and training as an X-Men. Plus she had a little thing for a certain science nerd so that played into it.

Her dark brown hair, that was once cut into a pixie cut, was now almost to her shoulders while the underneath was still shaved. But you could only see it when she had her hair up.

Kai ran to his aunt with his little legs and jumped on her, Salem making sure to catch him. She chuckled at him and hugged him just as tightly as he did.

"Yeah, you don't want to spend time with your favorite aunts?" A condescending voice said from Salem's side, Quinn, almost Maximoff, Ambrosia. Her brown hair had grown to her waist, currently in a loose ponytail with her bleached stripes out. She and Peter had gotten to together a short while after Asura and Warren, due to Peters constant pestering and asking for at least one date. Which he got.

"Aunt Qin!" Kai yelled excitedly as he made grabby hands for her shirt sleeve for him to grab onto. He obviously didn't want to get out of his aunts arms so settled for his others sleeve, pulling her closer.

"Who's ready to spend time with his favorite uncle?" Peter said as he arrived with the gust of wind. He kissed Quinn on the cheek before picking up Kai up and throwing him a little into the air, making him giggle.

"I swear if you break my child, Peter." Warren's voice said as he came back from parking the car, wrapping an arm around Asura's waist and pulling her closer to his chest, making her laugh quietly.

"Yeah, and also, I'm the favorite uncle." Scott said as he stood in the doorway to the school, his arms crossed as he looked at his nephew. All of the X-Men were considered Kai's aunts and uncles as he had grown up with them for most of his childhood. Even Charles, who was more of a grandfather as he had walked, well more like wheeled for him, Asura down the aisle since none of her family was invited or even knew she was alive.

"We'll take care of him." Quinn assured as she watched her boyfriend argue about who Kai's favorite uncle was with Scott. She walked over and kissed Asuras cheek and gave her a quick hug. Salem did the same, even giving Warren a quick side hug before walking up the path to the school.

"Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!" Kai shouted at them as he waved to them. Asura followed, waving like a madwoman at her child. "Bye baby!" She smiled at him before she watched him walk into the school.

Warren and her stood there for a few seconds before he spoke up. "I want another." She didn't look up at him, just looking at the doors to the mansion as she asked, "Another what?"

"Another kid." She turned her body so one of her hand was resting on his chest as Asura looked up at her husband in surprise.


He softly smiled down at his wife, the love of his life, looking at her with kind green eyes and nodded, placing a kiss on her forehead where her bangs parted slightly. She smiled like the Cheshire Cat as she was practically bouncing up and down from excitement. "Ok! Yay!"

Before she knew what was happening, Warren picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like she weighted nothing, making her yelp.

"Ah! Warren, no! I'm wearing a dress!" She scolded but her uncontrollable laughter made it hard to take her seriously. He didn't listen to her as he walked back to the car but simply moved his large wing so it covered her bottom half, making her laugh even more.

"Let's go home.."

'May you fall in love with someone who never gets tried from saving you from your own chaos.'


~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now