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'You provoke her until she roars and get upset at her for becoming the monster you created.'


Here they all were, about to go into battle. Asura had ended up keeping her uniform from her time as a assassin so she was using it now for the greater good. At the time, she didn't know why she felt compelled to keep it, especially with all the bad memories attached to it but now she knew.

Asuras uniform was similar to the others but more red. The body of the suit was crimson red stopping at the curve of her thighs with a diamond shape cut above her chest to her collarbone. There were no sleeves as she needed some kind of exposed skin for her mutation to work. On the legs, there were black leggings with three red knife holders on each side, down her legs. Despite the tall black boots that covered her legs and the tight material, it was actually quite comfortable.

Salem was wearing something she picked up back in her stealing/pickpocketing dayside. The top was a dark teal with no sleeves and brown leather pants with matching tall black boots. Where as, Quinn was wearing the same black flight suit as the others but promptly ripped off the sleeves.

Asura sat on the other side of the blue skinned boy, Kurt. She was quite enjoying herself sitting next to him as when his tail would whip towards her, her hand would playfully swat at it, making her giggle and him smile. Quinn was on the other side of him which was next to Peter, despite what she wanted. Peter on the other hand saw this as a god send. But on the other side of Scott was Salem, who was surprisingly calm. All three woman were. They had all been through worst like stealing for survival and being experimented on.

As Asura was distracted by Kurts tail, Jean looked to the shapeshifter and asked, "Were you scared? That day in D.C., were you scared?" She and the younger mutants were all nervous about this. They had never been in a battle before, some of them were still getting used to theirs.

"No." Raven said simply as she turned back forward but feeling bad for not giving them any advice she continued, "But I was scared on my first mission. I was in a plane like this with my friends. About your age. We called ourselves the X-Men." The last part she said with a slight chuckle. She leaned forward and looked at Scott.

"Your brother was there too. We used to called him Havok. He was a real handful but when it came down to it, he was very brave."

"Vat habened to zee rest of zee kids vo vent vith vu? Zee X-Men?" Kurt asked as Asura looked up from his quite mesmerizing tail, starting to pay attention to this conversation.

Raven hesitated and Asura could see out of the corner of her red eye Hank put his head down a little more at the question. "Hank and I are the only ones left. I couldn't safe the rest of them. I told you, I'm not a hero." She said solemnly.

"Well, you're a hero to us." Salem said from her spot, making the blonde woman look over at her with everyone else. "Seeing you that day on TV in the front of a store, changed my life." She said with a reassuring smile.

"Mine too." Kurt piped up.

"Mine too." Peter said before saying, "I still in my moms basement but, you know...Everything else is, uhh...Oh it's pretty much the same." He chuckled everyone following along with, even Quinn let out a small chuckle. He immediately looked to the normally scowling woman and gave her a soft, smitten smile. Quinn quickly looked away from him, having been caught.

"I'm a total loser." They all chuckled at that as the tension started to leave. It was silent for a bit as Hank on the wheel started to fly into the large smoke clouds irrupting from the ground. As they flew through it, the Angels looked through the front window with everyone else and saw metal debris floating in the air in circular motions. The city of Cario was now in ruins  and crumbling to pieces.

They could see multiple pyramids built from the ground. "Seven wonder, twelve o' clock." Hank said from the front. Raven unbuckled and stood up, holding onto the top of the plane. In the middle of it all, the largest and most menacing pyramid, it was different from the others. Jean suddenly started to talk, her eyes focused on something but not in the plane. "He has the Professor in the center of pyramid. He's going to transfer his consciousness into the Professor. If he does that, he'll be able to control every mind in the world."

"Ooh! I think that's our cue, ladies." Asura said as she unbuckled herself along with the other angels, while everyone else looked at them confused. "Hank, open the hatch." Quinn asked, even though her tone was more demanding, which was quickly fixed by Salem saying, "Please" in the background for her.

When Hank didn't move, the red-headed teen used her psychokinesis to move the handle, opening the hatch in the back. A rectangle shaped opening opened in the floor, normally used for dropping bombs or people. Which they were doing essentially. As Asura almost skipped toward the hole in the floor, they all looked at her like she was crazy. Which she was.

"Just get Kurt into that weird temple pyramid-y thing. We'll take care of the rest! See you on the other side!" She said excitedly, the Cheshire Cat smile not leaving her lips as she jumped. All of the others eyes widened at what they just witnessed. Quinn walked up and turned her whole body to look at them.

"Or in hell. Either one." She said simply with a shrug as she let herself fall backwards, like a trust fall with nobody but the ground catching you. Salem walked up to the hole, a little more cautiously then her friends. "There is method to our madness. Promise!" She said with a small smile as she sat down, her legs over the hatch in the planes floor before scooting off, falling into the air.

The newly appointed 'X-Men' looked at where the three woman had been with wide eyes, everyone to shocked by what just happened that they didn't say anything.

Scott broke the silence, "Did they-were..were they they wearing parachutes?"


~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now