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'I didn't want to fall in love. Not at all, but at some point, you smiled and holy shit, I blew it.'


It had been 2 weeks since the fight in Cairo and everything was fine. Asura, Quinn, Salem, Warren, Ororo, and Peter had all joined the X-Men. Asura was called Sanguine as it meant bloody or bloodthirsty. Quinn was called Nitro after nitroglycerin since she released it like sweat. And Salem called Halothane because it's a synthetic gas that works like a anesthetic or sleeping gas.

One of those weeks was spent by the white haired woman at Warrens bedside. He had a concussion and Hank put him on bed rest till the symptoms went away. But when he was out and about he kept Asura at arms length.

Almost everyone stayed away from the two of them. Warren was stoic faced with a black leather jacket and metal wings at where as sharp as knifes. Plus he was one of Apocalypses horsemen so people didn't really trust him. While as for Asura, she just looked scary, especially to the younger kids. Her red, crisscross eyes with no pupil and fangs can be quite scary for a child despite her positive but slightly tigger happy personality. Not that she really noticed how they avoided her in the halls as she was focused on Ororo and Warren getting settled with so many people, mostly the latter.

The two of them were walking through the garden, Asura slightly ahead of the blond man as she was almost skipping. Her outfit was leant to her by Jubilee. It was a long, flowey pink lace dress with puffy sleeves, a nice v-neck and a small strawberry print. It suited her personality perfectly while Warren was dressed like he normally did.

A simple white t-shirt with a low cut, black jeans and big combat and with the black leather jacket that Asura had given him the first night they met. He had kept it. As they walked, Asura skipping through the flowers, she often turned her head back to look at him, look his going just going to disappear, but smiled when he was still there. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared that he would just get up and leave her again.

"So," Asura started as fell back and tried to say in time with Warrens long strides. "I heard from an unknown source that, you," She turned her body so she was walking side ways and poked him, "like someone."

His light green eyes widen slightly before he coughed to try and cover up his shock. "What? No I don't." He said cooly as he sped up a little.

She gasped because she was right and sped with him. "Ah-Ha! So I was right! You do." She was quite for a second as she reveled in her success, making Warren think that she would drop it but she continued. "So who is it?"

"No one because I don't like anyone!" Warren said exasperatedly as he knew that she probably wouldn't let this go for a while.

"But you do! So tell me!"

"No Asura!"

"Yes Asura!"

He stop and threw his hands up as he said, "OK! You know what fine! It's you, Asura! I like you." He yelled but his voice got quieter at the last sentence as he realized what he just confessed.

She cocked her head to the side and shrugged with a smile not leaving her face, "Of course you like me. We're friends, aren't we?" The last sentence sounded more like a statement and Warren starting to hate that 'f' word. Friends.

"No," Her face fell as she looked at him with furrowed brows as he continued, "I like you. More than a friend. Like in a I want to protect you, but also like I want to touch your butt sort of way." He stuttered out, his cheeks turning red as he felt like he was making this worse and wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Asura looked at him in surpise, not that he saw as he was looking at the ground, before she chuckled quietly to herself. Not at him but at the fact that she managed to turn this dark, grumpy emo bird boy into a flustered, red face angel without even realizing.

"Well, if it's any consolation, I like you in a I want to touch your butt way too." She said as she smiled shyly at him as he snapped his head up in surprise. Her soft hands were clasped behind her back as she rocked a little on her heels as she looked at him expectedly.

He looked at the beautiful white haired woman and wondered to himself, 'how on earth did I trick someone like her into liking me?'

Before he knew what he was doing, Warren asked, "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes." She said nodding her head excitedly as she stepped forward a little. He leaned down a little, her standing on her tiptoes slightly as they placed there foreheads on eachothers as they nudged their noses together before meeting in the middle. Her plush lips molded with his rough ones.

Warrens arms trailed and wrapped around her waist, lifting her up a little so she wasn't standing on her toes. Her hands moved up from his shirt clad chest to neck, her thumbs rubbing slowly along his cheekbones to his face tattoos, comforting him about them.

He went to deepen the kiss even more by running his tongue along her bottom lip but clapping and cheering made them pull apart. Standing in some of the open windows to the school was all of the X-Men, Hank, Charles in his wheel chair, and Raven in her natural blue form. The younger ones, the X-Men, were clapping and whopping for the two of them. Raven smiled supportively with Charles and Hank while Quinn smiled a little, happy for her friend, but still gave Warren the 'Hurt her and I will murder you in your sleep' look.

Asura giggled and rested her forehead against his collarbone as Warren glared at them for interrupting their first kiss with a scowl on his face. His large, metal wings closed around the both of them, blocking them from the others view and looked down at the still laughing Asura.

He brushed a hand through her thick white hair as her giggles subsided. They looked at each other, red eyes meeting lime green. She leaned forward, nuzzled the tip of her nose to his before placing a soft peck on his lips. He wrapped his arms around her once more and pulled her into a tight hug, a part of him still not believe if this was happening.

So there they were. Standing in silence, just holding each other, loving each other wholeheartedly with Warrens wings wrapped around them. Shielding her from the world, a world that didn't deserve her.

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now