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'Shes worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it.'


Today, Warren was alone. Asura had decided to go out with Quinn and Salem since she hadn't been out in a while and she thought Warren might have wanted a little space after being around three woman for weeks.

He didn't want that. He really wanted the complete opposite but he still let her go if thats what would make her happy. She seemed very excited about the girls day that they were having. But with her gone, he started drinking. Warren didn't like getting drunk in front of Asura because he was an aggressive drunk and didn't want to remind her of what he was. Broken.

Warren sat on his usual perch on the highest metal beam and took a swig of the beer in his bottle before broadening his wings as he spit some of it out. Looking down on to the ground floor, he saw a purple and magenta bubble that faded out and three people stood, two female. One of them had dark skin and white hair that was shaved on the sides like a mohawk. She was wearing a sliver armor outfit with no sleeves. The other woman had long black hair and paler skin with a blue and black skin-tight outfit.

"Verpiss dich! Or should I say, piss off!" Warren yelled down to them as he threw the bottle in his hand to the ground, making it smash into pieces. He swooped down to one of the lower metal beams with his large wings before taking a drink from other bottle he grabbed from the pack.

"This is the guy?" The woman with the mohawk asked with a thick accent, looking up at him. "He used to be.." The black haired woman that answered turned to the last person there and said, "Let's get out of here. His fighting days are done."

The last one was tallest and scariest of them all. He was large with sliver-blue skin and wearing lots of bulky armor and matching Egyptian headpiece. He looked to be the one in charge, the leader. His eyes were grey and looked almost dead with a wrinkly face and neutral face. If Warren hadn't gone through all the stuff that had happened in his life, he would probably be scared of him. "No, they're not."

Warren flew down, a little less gracefully than the first time, so that he was on the ground level. "What the hell is this?"

"I want to give you something." The mysterious man, if you could even call him that, said.

The winged mutant shook his head and turned his back on them, "There's nothing you can give me that I want."

"Don't be so sure." The black haired woman said as the mysterious man raised a hand toward his back as Warren took a swig of his drink. Then he dropped it. Blinding pain shooted through his back making him fall forward. He screamed at the pain. It felt like he was being ripped apart from the inside out. It hurt a lot as he felt something come out of his back. Multiple things.

His blood fell to the cement floor and splatted. Warren screamed and yelled as the pain became worse. The burning feeling that he was feeling started to spread to the top of his wings and make them feel harder. The feeling went down to his feathers and it felt like they were melting off. Soon the more and more started to grow and rip apart until it just stopped.

"Rise, My Angel. Rise."

Warren stood up from his laying position on the cement ground and faced the three people. He looked at his new wings. They were completely made of metal, the once white fluffy feathers were now hard and sharp like knives. He moved his right wing a little before making his wing broaden. Four large feathers shot out and lodged themselves in that wall. He did the same motion his other wind and two shot out this time. He opened his wings fully and presented them to the group of people.

Warren had never liked his wings. His parents treated him wonderfully, like a son, before he grew wings but when he did, they hated him and he tried to get rid of them. At one point, he had cut off them off, leaving scars, but they grew back. In the cage fights, in the beginning, everyone thought that because of his soft, fluffy wings he wouldn't be able to do that much damage. Boy, did he prove them wrong.

His eyes shot up when he heard the black haired woman speak to the man, "What about the girl? She's supposed to be here."

'Asura. If they take Asura with them then it would be like she's back there again. Forced to kill. I can't let that happen..' Warren thought to himself before quickly intervening, "No, I haven't seen anyone else here." At least he sounded convincing.

Asura had already been through so much, fighting to get away from her abusive parents to fighting for survival as a mutant assassin. If he told them were she was or that he even knew her, then she be in the same position she was when she was just a teenager. He couldn't let that happen. Warren didn't know what she had gone through in that place but he had his fair share of sucky parents and getting captured by people who only wanted him after his mutant.

The black haired woman looked at him skeptically before asking, "Are you sure?" He nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment. Before she could say anything else, the mysterious man waved her off and said, "It doesn't matter. The plan will work. With or without her."

Warren walked toward them and stood behind them with his new wings as the magenta bubble formed around them.

'I'm sorry, Asura...this is for your own good'

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now