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'People state at me like they've never seen a walking goddess.'


Two guards walked down the corridor, holding guns locked and loaded completely unsuspecting to the three teenage mutants standing right beside them. Jean had completely blinded them to the sight of the mutant teens.

Once they were gone, Jean walked over to where Scott and Kurt were, the latter trying to find a way out with his hand to a door. "What's taking so long?" Scott asked hurriedly as the blue mutant turned to him. "I can't get in. Zey haffe ein field around it, like zee helicobder." Kurt said with his thick German accent. Scott shook his head in frustration and sigh.

"There has to be a way to cut the power." He said slightly to himself. Soon a distorted and glitchy voice spoke inside their heads. 'Hear me inhabitants of this world.'

"What is this?" Scott asked holding his head slightly. It felt weird to have someone besides yourself talking in your head. "I think that it's the Professor." Jean said as Charles voices started again. 'This is a message. A message to every men, woman, and mutant in the world. You have lost your way. But I have returned. The day of reckoning is here. All of your buildings, all of towers and temples will fall and the dawn of age will rise. For there is nothing you can do- Jean.' The Professors voice, not distorted like the message but speaking just to her. His voice saying her name was echoed as the message played over it. '-to stop it from coming. Jean, if you can hear me, focus on my voice. This message is for one reason alone. Find us. Cairo. Find the Angels of Mayhem. Find us. Cairo. To tell the strongest among you, those with the greatest power...protect those without.'

The message ends and the three young mutants look at each other. Jean lowered her hand from her temple and said, "He just spoke to me."

"I think he spoke to everyone."

"I could hear him too."

"No, no...He just sent a hidden message. One he knew only I could hear. He said to find the 'Angels of Mayhem.'" She said slightly confused at what that name meant. But she felt like she had heard it before. "I know where the Professor is."

Before anyone could say anything else, a guard came around the corner and spotted them. "Hey!" He pulled out his gun and shot at Jean first but Kurt had already teleported her. The guard shot at Scott but he was gone in a cloud of sulfur smoke.


The three mutant teens walked down one of the empty corridors cautiously, hoping not to ran into any guards. Scott looked down the hall to his right before turning left and walking down that one with Kurt and Jean on his heels. They walked into an open room with the power grid in it.

The blue skinned mutant looked around, starting to be wary of his surroundings. The room was filled with different metal objects, what looked to be dog bowls for food and water, cabinets full of many different documents, and medical equipment. On the other side of the room was a large metal box that looked like a shipping container. In the middle, on the back wall was the panel they were looking for.

Deep snarls coming from inside the box made them all turn towards in, worriedly even if some didn't show it. Soon there was sniffing, trying, and succeeding, to the teenagers outside. "There's some kind of animal in there." Scott said looking at the box cautiously as he step forward.

"It's no animal. It's a man." Jean said, focused on the thoughts of the people inside and walked closer to it. "Who is he?" Kurt asked worriedly.

"That a part of him has been taken away." Jean said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they've turned him into some kind of weapon."


Kurt walked into the main control room where he found a load of cut and curved bloody bodies. He doubled back, gagging a little. He put his fingers to his forehead, chest, and both shoulders in a cross formation. He stepped over the bodies and walked over to were the sound proof glass was, looking down he saw, Raven, a sliver haired man, a woman with short dark brow hair, and some blue guy that kind of looking like Hank. "Kurt." The blue furry man said simply, sounding surprised.

He started to point to the door and talk, telling them to get away from the door. They looked at him confused and say, "What?" Kurt does it again but they answer with the same thing. Raven pointed to her ear to tell him that they can't hear him, which he understands.

He looks around and finds a button with a little microphone attached. He pushed it and held it down as he talked. "Get avay from zee door." He told them but sadly it was to staticky inside the cell. They questioned him once more and he made a rectangle with one of his large fingers. Finally they understood and rushed to get away from the door. "On zee count of three. One, two.." He stopped and looked at his hand, realizing that he didn't have any other fingers to count.

When Kurt stopped, Scott had already blasted a large hole through the door before closing his eyes and putting his glasses back on. "We know where the Professor is." Jean said as Raven and the others stepped out of the blown up cell with surprised looks on their faces. "I think we may have a way out of here."

"Well, you've been busy." Raven said.

"We had some help. Let's go!" Scott answered as him and Jean started to jog down the hall with the four others following them. There was a puff of blue and black smoke next to Scott, sufficiently scarring him as Kurt bamfed next to him. "Ah! Jesus!"


"This way!" They turned the corner and found a large door. As the group of mutants walked toward it, it moved up and the lights turned on. Inside was a large room with high ceilings filling with different kinds of attack helicopters and planes. The biggest one was almost all black with orange accents and large plane wings that were folded up. "Hey, Hank, you think you can figure out how to fly this thing?" Raven asked as she turned to the older blue mutant.

"Yeah, I could figure it out." He said twiddling with his fingers. Suddenly, Jean remembered what she had meant to ask the scientist. "Wait, Hank, when the Professor gave me the message he said to find the 'Angels of Mayhem,' who are they?" She asked him as he looked at her. He looked surprised by the name but sighed and started to explain.

"Alright, The Angels of Mayhem are a trio of three mutants with very dangerous and powerful mutations, that in the end, could either destroy the world or save it. Charles managed to tap into one of their heads and tried to convince them to come to the school but ended up getting yelled and cussed out. Since then we haven't gotten anything from them but we have been keeping an eye on them, to make sure nothing happened to them." Hank said as everyone watched with their full attention.

"Do you know where they are?" Raven asked this time, watch made him turn to her and shrug. "Yeah, I remember. Their just outside of Berlin, why?"

"I think we need to pay them a visit."

~Angels of Mayhem~ Warren WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now